/ / Where to prepare the best steaks in Moscow: addresses and reviews

Where to prepare the best steaks in Moscow: addresses and reviews

Every year in Moscow the fashion for variouskitchens and dishes. Love for meat does not obey this rule: steaks are woven by restaurant visitors, especially men, with a continued appetite for a continuation of many years.

where the best steaks are cooked in Moscow

Where to prepare the best steaks in Moscow, in whichspecialized meat establishments in the capital, the prices for dishes presented in the menu, is consistent with their quality? The article offers an overview of the most popular Moscow steakhouses and addresses in Moscow of establishments recommended for visiting meat lovers.


Based on independent research, the best steakin Moscow meat eaters can be offered in several restaurants in the capital. Goodman is one of the first Moscow steak houses. The establishment belongs to the company "Arpik". Its founder is Michael Zelman (2004). For many years the restaurant has positioned itself as an institution in which it is possible to order the best steak in Moscow. For connoisseurs, its name is a kind of synonym for quality steak.

Goodman today is a network that includeseleven steak houses in Moscow, as well as "branches" in Ukraine and in European cities. 70% of the guests of the establishment are its regular customers. In continuation of its long-term operation, the institution is headed by the rating of steaks in Moscow.

Meat given steak house purchases in Russia,Australia and the USA. It is known that beef, purchased in the Lipetsk region, is maintained using dry-aging technology. In the establishments of the network, beef is used for grain fattening. Steaks are prepared in closed braziers (Spanish chasers). The most popular among regulars is the "Ribei", which is prepared from the edge part of American beef.

rating of steaks in Moscow

Quotes from the menu, reviews

Guests can order a serving:

  • Steak "Ribai" - for 1 870 rubles.
  • "Fillet Mignon" - for 1,870 rubles.
  • Steak "New York" - for 1 780 rubles.
  • Steak "Schert" - for 1 550 rubles.

where delicious steaks in Moscow

One of the favorite steaks of many reviews authors aboutthe restaurant is the "Fillet Mignon", in which guests celebrate the spectacular presence of Goodman sauce made from honey, berries and red wine. This brandy sauce, according to many visitors, is more delicious than the other three: peppery, mushroom and spicy. The high quality of the dishes, according to the guests, is confirmed by a large number of people wishing to get here for business lunch: at lunchtime in Goodman, according to the authors of the reviews, it is impossible to get through.


Those who wish can find the restaurant network:

  • On the street. Okhotny Ryad, 2.
  • By ad: Trubnaya Square, 2.
  • on Novinsky Boulevard, 31.
  • By adr .: Paveletskaya square, 2, p. 1.
  • By prosp. To Leninsky, 57.
  • On the square of the Kiev railway station, 2.
  • On the street. Shchukinskaya, 42.
  • According to Profsoyuznaya, 45a.
  • On the Komsomolsky prospect, 24, page 1.
  • By the Big Tula, 13.
  • At the Presnenskaya nab., 10.

Torro grill

Many users claim that the best steak inMoscow can be enjoyed in the Torro Grill. The institution positions itself as the first "affordable steak house of the capital" (2007). For 5 years of existence Torro Grill steak house (Moscow) has turned into a place of pilgrimage of meat-eaters who could not boast of having the thickest purse. The network has 6 restaurants, in which, according to owners, prices are kept at an acceptable level due to reasonable savings and good management. The institution is among the top ten steak houses in the ranking.

thoro grill

Menu, feedback

According to some visitors, the best steak in Moscow can be tried in Torro Grill. Tastings and wine list updates are regularly arranged at the institution.

As an innovation, steak is presented"Flatiron", here it is called "Long Island". You can order a portion of 250 g or 500 g (the weight of raw meat). In addition to steaks, a roast beef is also prepared in Torro Grill, in which visitors note the presence of an unusually bright taste. The dish is served on two bruschettes, the cost of it, according to the authors of the reviews, by Moscow standards is quite affordable.

In Torro Grill, guests are also often booked"Fillet Mignon". Many people like how this dish is prepared by local experts: the degree of steak roasting, according to the guests, is ideal. Visitors approve of the actions, which are often held in the institution: two steaks here can offer at the price of one. In the eyes of visitors, the value for money in this restaurant is one of the most fair in Moscow.


Torro Grill restaurants are located:

  • By prosp. Vernadsky, 6 (metro station "University").
  • On the street. Forest, 5, B.
  • On the street. Letnikovskaya, 2, item 1. (Paveletskaya metro station).
  • By adr .: 3rd Krutitsky per., 11 ("Metro" Proletarskaya ").
  • On the Lengradskoye Highway, 16a, p. 4.

"Bison" (steak house)

The addresses in Moscow are six establishments of the network, which the reviews describe as "incredibly steep":

  • On Michurinsky Avenue, 8 p. 2 (metro stop "Lomonosovsky Prospekt").
  • On the street. Malaya Dmitrovka, 20 (metro station "Mayakovskaya").
  • On the street. Lubyansky Proezd, 15/2 (metro station "Kitay-Gorod").
  • On the street. Profsoyuznaya, 66 (metro station Novye Cheremushki).
  • On Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 2 ("Trubnaya" metro station).
  • On the Sadovnicheskaya embankment, 75 (Paveletskaya metro stop).


This restaurant was opened by the ownersteak houses "Beef" and "Reef" and burger bar "11/1" - Alexander Panov. In view of the very successful start of the institution, they were decided to merge into one and merge projects with the restaurant "Bison" (steak house). Addresses in Moscow establishments of the network are presented in the article. The restaurants of the team are positioned as "steak-houses for real men". In each of them, the interior was redone. Now the institutions are distinguished by deliberate brutality, provided by the presence of massive leather furniture and imitation of cave paintings. "Bison" - the top institution, in which, according to the guests, you can enjoy the best steak in Moscow.


The menu compiled by the brand-chef K. Zhabakov, represents a variety of different steaks: "Ribai" (from American and Australian beef), "Flatiron" (scapula), "Striplone" (lumbar segment). Branded here is the "Schert", which in this institution is called "Machete".

In addition to the steaks, the meatmenu "Bison" you can order a rack of lamb, dairy veal on a rib, a burger, a steak and a stew of lamb with thyme, prunes and rosemary, which is served in a jar.

Features, reviews, quotes

Many users call "Bison" the beststeak house in Moscow. According to reviews, in the meat restaurants of the network, experts use the world-famous traditions of cooking steaks. for example, the unique m-d Sarmiento borrowed from the Latin American countries. It consists in adding grape vines, soaked in wine, to the charcoal stove, which, according to the authors of the testimonies, gives an unusual taste to meat.

One of the most popular wayscooking steaks in the US state of Texas is a steak cooked in glaze. The fragrant frosting of spices, as well as the use of a special recipe, meat is given entirely new, unforgettable shades of taste. The most popular dishes can be ordered:

  • portion of steak "Bison" - for 1870 rubles;
  • a portion of the steak "Ribai" - for 1530 rubles;
  • portion of steak "Machete" - for 1530 rubles.

Some of the meat masterpieces can be triedonly in the "Bison": author's stewed lamb, soup from the tails of bulls, tartar cooked from beef tenderloin, beefsteak from beef wagyu, branded burger, etc.

Where are the delicious steaks in Moscow?

Among the best restaurants of the capital, representingMeat cuisine is also called "MEASO" steak house (at 4 Kuusinen St., building 1, "Polezhaevskaya" metro station), which always meets the most exacting requests of visitors. The institution was deservedly recognized by the Moscow gourmets. According to reviews, the art of cooking meat dishes has reached a high altitude restaurant.

steak house moscow

The local steak culture in its entiretyrepresent the real masterpieces of gastronomic cuisine of the world that have absorbed the traditions of the world's famous meat shops: a hearty tibon of grain fattening (Black Angus, New Zealand), marble riba (Hereford, Argentina, the legendary New York steak, New York, etc. According to guests' the performance of the local chef A. Byshik, even the usual and simple, at first glance, appetizers gives an unforgettable aftertaste that evokes a sense of satisfaction and joy.When the hands of the master take up the manufacture of delicious dishes, for example, veal talliata silt deer carpaccio, which contrasts combined buckthorn sour, spicy oregano and cilantro, visit the restaurant for a long time after the visit of "meat" are experiencing a sharp flavor ecstasy got here.

bison steak house addresses in moscow

Where else in Moscow do they cook meat?

According to experts, the change in trends in the capitalrestaurants there is: even yesterday in every second institution visitors caught the fish showcase, today new restaurants position themselves as if not a steak house, a meat club or, at least, a steak-cafe. Moscow restaurateurs compete among themselves according to the criterion of the capacity of the grill, the thickness of cuts, the speed of preparation and the exclusivity of supplies. The staff is familiar with new types of feeds - on stones, grills, swords, etc. Also compete in the results of the roasting system: the meat roasted in Brazilian, American and Japanese is consumed by the audience with a bang.

inexpensive steaks in moscow

Meat in Japanese

In the restaurant Megu on Novinsky Prospect, 8, p. 2, use four types of steaks from premium beef vagyu (Australia), twice a week from Japan arrive real marble steaks. Meat is cooked on hot stones from the Nakagawa River.

As guests say, in the concept of the institutionthe Japanese cooks tend to poeticize the product: a frame with a garden of red-hot pebbles, on which thin petals of garlic are white, is set by the waiter on a table. On the petals, the meat is merrily appetizing and grumbling (this is how the fillet-mignon is prepared, the cost of the portion is 4000 rubles). In the final of the performance, the dish is flamed with premium cognac. Touch of fiery tongues and red-hot pebbles are easier than iron grilling embraces - as a result, the meat seems to be covered with an even bronze tan. In this case, the form and juice are preserved in it, and the pulp immediately reaches the state of the souffle. Garlic in the palette gives a barely perceptible smoky note. Average account size: 6000 rub.

Meat from the Russian manufacturer

Competing with American beef Tulaveal, Dagestan lamb and Kaluga chicken can be found in the restaurant Beefbar Junior on Prechistenskaya embankment, 13, p. 1 The meat here is baked in a special patented oven. Preliminarily it is mixed in a mixture of exclusive African spices.

Guests believe that the meat in this establishmentturns out to be quite tough. In comparison with the Russian steak, the classic New York burger, according to many, incomparably wins. Average account size: 2500 rub.

steaks of salmon in moscow

Meat, cooked "dry"

In Chicago Prime on Strastnoy bl-8 a, you canto get acquainted with the taste of four types of steaks from American beef "premium", and also from beef "dry ripening". Preparing meat on a large wood grill.

"Dry maturation" is a costly procedure,which consisted in keeping meat for weeks in ventilated chambers at an air temperature of up to 4 ° C. Consumers appreciate such ripened steaks on the air and note their special density and almost distilled fleshiness in the absence of dryness. Only steak with salt and spicy sauce is served. The accuracy of the frying guests are called snipers. Prices in the institution, corresponding: a serving of "Porterhouse" costs 3190 rubles. It should be taken into account that a portion of a steak weighing 700 g can be easily divided between four eaters. Average account size: 3000 rub.

Steaks that are cooked and served without special "tricks"

In Moscow, still rare are institutions in which the simplicity of cooking meat is combined with restraint filing and trust in the product. To those in the capital, according to the guests, "21 Prime" refers.

Here from the Australian beef on the "hosper"representing a hybrid of a grill and a wood stove, prepare eight kinds of steaks (including flambed whiskey and chopped), as well as American pork and Australian lamb.

According to visitors and critics, in the brandedsteaks tibon grain fattening (weight: 600 g, price: 1900 rub.) The saturation of the tenderloin is connected with the juiciness of ribaya, the percentage of fatty layers is ideal, and the timing is impeccable. "Fillet minion" (worth 1800 rubles.), As expected, more lean and fibrous. But especially warm words deserve "Pork Chop", cooked from a loin of black pig (price: 1600 rubles.). Guests note that the meat of the steak array is cut like butter, the clear juice is drained from it. The dish for a long time calms the soul of a real meat-eater. Average account size: 3000 rub.

steak house addresses in moscow

"Folk steaks"

The restaurant Goodbeef, located in B. Cherkassky pereulke, 15/17, page 1, you can try three classic types of steaks cooked on an electric grill from Australian beef. With pretentious marble meat here are treated as in fast food.

The institution tops the rating "The most inexpensivesteaks in Moscow ": the cost of a" corporate set "consisting of any steak, salad, sauce and garnish - only 610 rubles. The authors of the reviews note that by glancing at the window, one can understand the reason for this cheapness: portions are cut down at least twice. The quality of cooking steaks, according to reviews, is quite acceptable here, they are usually fresh and well-fried. The average account size is 800 rubles.

Where else can you buy a budget steak?

Residents and guests of the capital can go to anyfrom inexpensive metropolitan steakhouse with an average check from 800 to 1500 rubles. Among them - spacious or small-sized establishments with comfortable rooms, entertainment, with its own atmosphere and features of the kitchen. Among the most famous:

  • The establishments of the Goodbeef network located in Myakinino (VEGAS 2, 66 km of the Moscow Ring Road), China Town (in B. Cherkasskiy lane, 15/17, p. 1) and the airport (12 Mikoyan Aircraft Design Bureau ")).
  • Meat Puppets Bar (meat restaurant on Novoslobodskaya, 16а, in), in which serve alternative steaks).
  • Meat & Fish. Steak-house on Vystavochnaya (SEC "Afimall City", at Presnenskaya emb., 2). The institution is also positioned as a fish restaurant.
  • Big Rib. Steak-house on Paveletskaya (at Sadovnicheskaya Embankment, 75), with European and American cuisines.
  • Castle. Grill-restaurant, located in the Park of Culture, in the shopping center "Acropolis" (Komsomolsky Ave, 4).

And not only meat

Do not lose their popularity with Muscovites and steaksfrom fish. The greatest value for lovers of fish steaks is the salmon, which tender meat has an unforgettable taste, and also contains a lot of healthy substances.

the best steak in moscow

Salmon steaks in Moscow can be purchased fromdelivery in one of the online stores. If desired, you can enjoy the dish in a pleasant setting of the restaurant. The cost of a salmon steak ranges from 535 rubles. up to 880 rubles. Among the establishments, where deliciously prepare the dish, the authors of the reviews call:

  • Sanatrello (restaurant on Sevastopolsky Avenue, 61, building 1. Metro station "Kakhovskaya")
  • "Dyushes" (on Bartenevskaya str., 39, metro station "Gorchakova street")
  • "Kuzminki" (on the street of Young Leninists, 117, building 1, page 2, metro station "Kuzminki"
  • Leningrad (at Leningradsky Prospekt, 24 a, in the Belorusskaya metro station
  • "Coffee Time" (at Komsomolsky Ave., 28, metro meter "Frunzenskaya")
  • Tie-Bon (adr., Mira Ave., 58, the same name of the metro stop, Petrovka St., 30, p.7, metro station "Trubnaya", Pyatnitskaya street, 52, Tretiakovskaya metro station )


No matter how high the achievements of moderngastronomy, only one is unanimously recognized by gourmets staying out of time and fashion. This is an unbelievably pleasant opportunity to watch your incredibly tasty and juicy steak frying on the open fire, to feel its breathtaking aroma and enjoy the anticipation of dinner.

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