Mazurka - an ancient Polish dance. But in cooking there is a "Mazurka" - an original, delicious salad, colorful and very useful. Do you want to know how it is prepared?
"Mazurka" is vegetarian
As you already understood from the title, "Mazurka" (recipe)- a salad that can be either with meat or in a vegetarian version. Let us dwell on it in more detail. You will need: a can of canned dark beans, one more - corn, 2-3 pieces of Bulgarian pepper (better red or one red, another green or yellow). The unusual "Mazurka": the recipe (salad) includes also pickles (suitable and pickled) cucumbers - 2 pieces, large, a handful of walnuts, a couple of cloves of garlic, parsley (greens), coriander, vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) . Having found out what the "Mazurka" consists of (the recipe), let's start the salad by throwing the beans and corn on the colander. Pepper and cut it into cubes. Cucumbers - too. Sow cilantro and parsley. Chop the nuts. Garlic let go under the press. Fold all the ingredients in a bowl, salt, pepper, season with butter, stir. In the vase put whole lettuce leaves. They are laid out "Mazurka". Recipe (let's leave the salad in this form) recommends decorating the dish with chopped rings of sweet pepper, laid over the food.
"Mazurka" meat
Now let's turn to the meat version. As this ingredient, the chefs offer beef tongue or simply beef. Boil it in salted water until cooked. Cool, cut into strips. Take 2-3 kiwi fruit, brush, cut into small slices. Half-rings chop 3 red peppers. Goes to the salad "Mazurka" (recipe recommends), as already mentioned above, canned red beans. She put in a colander, let it drain. Mix all ingredients, add, season with olive oil sauce and a few teaspoons of mustard. Sprinkle salad with fresh chopped dill before serving. It's tasty, is not it?
Mazurka original
What else can be a salad "Mazurka"? Firstly, there is a variety of meat parts. This component is good in the form of chicken breast, smoked ham. It's wonderful for taste and jerky. Or not boiled, but baked, fried. Secondly, beans. In previous recipes it was canned. But you can take regular, raw, and just boil. Of course, beforehand it should be soaked for several hours. As a dressing is used not only vegetable oil, but also mayonnaise, however, preferably lean, low-calorie.
"Mazurka" with ham and apples
And, finally, a more complex salad"Mazurka", among the components of which are: smoked ham - 250 g, fried veal (lean pork) - 100-150 g, apples, sweet and sour - 2 pieces of medium size, green peas (5-6 tablespoons), ¾ cups boiled beans, 1 cucumber (salted), a little (to taste) corn (from a can), 1-2 Bulgarian pepper. Mayonnaise is suitable for dressing. Ingredients, as necessary, cut into cubes, combine with peas, beans and corn. Stir, salt, season, let the salad be infused, and serve. Only be sure to fill with greens!
Eat for health!