/ / Salt: harm or benefit? Calorie content of salt

Salt: harm or benefit? Calorie content of salt

From time immemorial, humankindattention to such a seemingly simple substance as table salt. Indeed, not a single food product is associated with such a large number of traditions and superstitions. With salt, people have known for about 10 thousand years. There were times when it was called a divine gift and valued more than gold. For deposits of rock salt were at war, and because of its lack, "salt riots" often broke out. What is known about this product causing a huge number of disputes? What is the caloric value of salt and what are the permissible norms of daily use? It is necessary to understand.

caloricity of salt

Benefit or harm

The benefits and harm of table salt are the mostambiguous opinions. What is the caloric value of salt, what is its specific benefit or harm to the body? Such questions are increasingly of interest to the mass consumer. Scientists are still puzzling over the "what is the salt", and huge amounts of money have already been spent on numerous studies. The purpose of one of the experiments was to study the effect of a certain amount of salt on the human body. As a result, it turned out that, consumed in excess, it can negatively affect the person's vision. This is explained by the fact that when using salt food can raise blood pressure, including the eye.

On the other hand, a decrease in consumption canlead to various cardiovascular abnormalities, the risk of getting a myocardial infarction or stroke. Such serious consequences are caused by a lack of sodium in the body. With complete rejection of salt, nerve cell activity is impaired, insulin production is reduced, and renin, on the contrary, is increased. In this regard, it seems reasonable to conclude that everything is good, that in moderation.

caloric intake of salt

Salt as a symbol of life energy

Salt is not just a food seasoning that canimprove the taste of the dish. It is a kind of magic symbol of vital energy, which is able to ward off misfortunes and sorrows, the evil eye and all that negatively affects a person. In ancient times, at the time of offering, the sacrificial animals were sprinkled with salt, so that they appeased the gods with their taste. For a long time it is considered to be an amulet of evil spirits and evil spells.

Salt, in its ritual meaning, combined withbread means financial well-being and wealth, not for nothing that on the wedding day the bride and groom are blessed with bread and salt. Wishes of wealth is also the expression "Bread and salt to you." In modern times, it is in this way that important foreign guests at the government level are welcomed at the airport.

calorie content of salt

Such a different salt

Salt is a universal product. An interesting fact is that the caloric value of the salt is zero. There are different types of salt: in color (white, pink, black), large stone and extra, as well as iodized, fluoridated, dietary, marine. And this is not a complete list. The purpose of the salt is completely different, one can salt salads, the other can be used for canning, the third - for medical purposes for the prevention of diseases.

caloricity of salt

According to the method of extraction and production, the salt can be divided into 4 main types:

  • Stone. It is mined in mines and quarries. This is the purest form of salt with a high content of sodium chloride (98-99%) and a minimum amount of moisture.
  • Evaporation. It is obtained from salt sources by evaporation, contains sodium chloride about 98-99.8%.
  • Sad (marine). It is formed from sea or lake water by evaporation in specially equipped pools. From other species is characterized by a lower content of sodium chloride, as well as flavoring properties.
  • Self-contained. The least useful for the body due to the lower content of sodium chloride, based on the name, it settles independently on the bottom of the salt lake, from where it is extracted with the help of special equipment.

salt, caloric content per 100 grams

The use of salt

Salt, in other words, sodium chloride, is one ofThe most important components that are used in the daily life of both people and animals. Caloric content of salt is 0 kilocalories. This resource is also used in many areas of industry. Salt is used as a basis for the production of chemicals (chlorine and caustic soda), of which various plastics are made, in particular PVC. In total there are about 14 thousand spheres of salt application.

caloricity of salt

As for table salt, which alleaten, this substance is a crystalline sodium chloride, each component of which performs a certain vital function in the human body, despite the fact that the caloric value of the salt is zero. The daily requirement is 10-15 grams. For a year it leaves about seven kilograms. These indicators also depend on the conditions and type of climate. Water-salt metabolism is more intensive in countries with a hotter climate.

Salt is the only natural mineral,which can assimilate the human body. Table salt is actively used for canning of various kinds of sunsets, since brine has the property of suspending the vital activity of bacteria.

caloricity of salt

Useful properties and treatment with salt

Salt (calorific value per 100 grams 0 kcal), possessesgood preventive, and also medical properties. With nasal congestion and runny nose, you can wash your nose with a special solution. In pharmacies there is a wide variety of drugs for irrigation, based on the usual sea water. When the throat is inflamed, rinse (half a teaspoon of salt in half a cup of warm water). Salt also helps with bites of various insects. To do this, you need to prepare a mixture, one to one, and grease the place of the bite. Itching and pain quickly pass. At home, salt is simply indispensable for light poisoning, as it can excrete poisons and toxins from the body.

caloricity of salt

Salt is widely used in the so-calledbalneology. Salt baths treat a large number of all kinds of diseases, promote the improvement of metabolic processes in the body, remove toxins and toxins. Baths are prescribed for diseases of the spine, arthritis, as well as disorders of the nervous system.

caloricity of salt

From the foregoing, it can be concluded thatzero calorie (salt food refers to) makes this product incredibly dietary, but unsuitable for use in food in large quantities.

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