/ / About tasty and healthy food or How to make cheese at home

About tasty and healthy food or How to make cheese at home

Homemade cheese (hard) or cottage cheese (soft cheese)has before the store, i.e. factory, a number of advantages and benefits. Doing it, you are guaranteed to use only natural, environmentally friendly products, especially if you have your own cow or goat. You can vary the fat content of the product, experiment with its taste, ultimately achieving the option that suits you most.

Varieties of cheeses

how to make cheese at home
Before talking about how to make cheese inwe define the product itself. First, as already noted, it can be soft, spongy. Such a product we call curd or curd mass. Secondly, cheese can be hard, with little holes. This is important for those who want to know how to make cheese at home. But the theoretical part is not finished. Depending on the type of raw material, the product can be made from cow milk, goat, sheep or mixed type. For cottage cheese, the best option is cow. For hard - the rest. Although from the cow cheese "with holes" are good. But mixed for this, they are more suitable.

Cheese and curd mass

And now specifically about how to make cheese inhome from cow's milk. It should well sour - either to a density, or to the formation of pieces and the separation of serum. If desired, the tops (cream, sour cream) can be removed, and then the cottage cheese fat content will be low. Or leave - the cottage cheese will turn out fat, tasty, nutritious.

how to make cheese at home

A jar of milk (from 3 liters and more - how many do you haveeat) gently pour into a saucepan and put on fire. Pay attention to the temperature. Milk in no case should not boil - the cheese then turns hard, rough, like rubber. If you want a salty taste - salt, add seasonings and spices. Sweetish - add a little sugar, vanilla. Let the temperature in the saucepan reach about 35 degrees. And also check this: put the finger in the brew. If tolerable, let it get warm. Hot - everything, we remove from the fire. Milk has already boiled in the curd mass. In a colander or a sieve, a piece of gauze is spread in several layers, fastened over any container (if you want to collect serum) and the contents of the pan are poured slowly. Then the edges of the gauze are twisted, straining the cottage cheese and giving it a round shape. Post this nodule with the product can be hung to drain excess liquid, or put under a press. Here's how to make cheese at home - through an hour you can enjoy a wonderful dish of your own making, eat it with homemade sour cream. A whey will go to baking or cooking okroshki.

Hard cheese

homemade cheese
Now the turn of the "Dutch" self-made. How to make cheese at home, so that it looks like a shop by the consistency? To do this, in addition to milk, you need "cravings" - a gastric enzyme or abomasum of a young lamb or kid (prepare yourself, buy from the hands of the market or in the store). Also on sale rennet substitutes are widely presented. Consider options for how to make goat cheese at home. However, this applies to any milk. In 100 grams of cold boiled water you need to dissolve a piece of enzyme or a tenth of a package with a substitute. Then we take fresh whole milk (about 7,5-8 liters), put on gas, warm up to + 35-40 degrees. We infuse the dissolved enzyme. Two to three minutes of the product should be thoroughly mixed. After 40 minutes or an hour, milk thickens, it starts to look like jelly. You can leave it that way, but you can cut it into cubes of arbitrary size. Add the desired spices to the milk before thickening.

how to make goat cheese at home

But this way you can cook a very popular varietycheese - home made cheese. Milk is suitable for any you have, only fresh. The volume is two and a half liters. Enzyme - a quarter of a teaspoon. Spices - if desired (can be without them). The enzyme must be dissolved in a small amount of water, warm the milk to + 45-50. Pour in the enzyme, stir. Let it stay for about 20 minutes. Then about half an hour whip whip the resulting mass. Or a mixer, just do not put a lot of turns. Gradually the mass thickens, hardens. It is necessary to throw it in a colander, to form a ball or "head", leave for 20 minutes. The product that you got is called "voorda". It is used for dumplings, pies, cheesecakes, etc. And to turn it into a cheese we cook brine from the following calculation: 2-3 tablespoons salt is taken per liter of water. Place cheese there for a day so that it is completely covered.

Try, experiment, and let you do it!

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