/ / How to make hair thick at home quickly and easily

How to make hair thick at home quickly and easily

The condition of the hair is directly related to their externalview. Unfortunately, the curls will not look beautiful, shiny, if the hair is dull, split or fall out. Of course, in many respects the density of the hair is determined by hereditary factors (here it is important the amount of hair and their thickness). But this does not mean that the situation is hopeless. How to make hair thick at home? Simple and completely possible.

how to make hair thick at home

First of all, it is very careful to handlehair, avoid excessive and frequent staining, all sorts of straightening or curling, drying with a hair dryer. The loss of hair affects the weather, the general condition of the body, disease and, of course, stress. And to help your locks, you need to avoid adverse factors in every possible way and use different useful methods.

How to make hair thick at home? Of course, providing them with food. This is the first and most effective way. Vitamins E, A, B and C are useful here. You can choose one of the multivitamin complexes or purchase special vitamins "Merz", which also have a beneficial effect on the skin and nails.

how to make hair voluminous at home

Many girls know how to make hairvolumetric at home: to improve their condition, providing improved blood circulation of the skin. This, of course, massage. It is not only useful and beneficial for the general condition of a person, physical and mental, but also stimulates hair bulbs. You can massage with your fingers or with a brush. It is only desirable to take a large massage for this, soft enough, not scratching the skin. To comb hair it is necessary in different directions approximately 10 minutes, carefully, carefully and carefully. In a couple of weeks, the desired result will be visible: the head of hear will become more voluminous, shiny and healthy.

the best hair mask

Our great-grandmothers knew how to make hair thickat home. To achieve this help different people's ways. Of course, now there are many industrial products already ready for use, you just need to buy and apply. These are all kinds of balms, masks, conditioners and wraps. But for those who love natural and safer methods, the natural ingredients are ideal.

The best hair mask is burdock oil. Oil extract of burdock is a truly unique ingredient, irreplaceable for health of curls, and it not only nourishes and has a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair, but also affects metabolism, blood circulation and growth. You can use burdock oil as a part of masks or by itself.

If you take a clean oil, then it is usedas follows: wet, dried towel strands are applied to the oil, distributed along the entire length, roots and scalp. A bag or shower cap is put on top. She should wear a towel or a warm hat. The mask is aged for an hour and washed off with shampoo. This procedure is carried out by courses and very noticeably affects the hair.

There are other masks, and they are actively usedgirls who know how to make hair thick at home. You can mix burdock oil with egg and a spoon of honey and in the same way withstand in the heat, or take a mask based on garlic, kefir, pepper or clay. It is also useful to rinse hair after washing with herbs (chamomile - the best option) or slightly acidified water (with vinegar or lemon juice).

With proper care and care, the hair is quickly restored and has a beautiful appearance, shine, softness and silky smoothness.

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