Dream: what does a black cat dream about?
Interpretation of dreams people have been dealing with since ancient times. Unusual objects, animals, or strange circumstances can have very different meanings and predict different events. For the interpretation of such visions, special books are used - dream books. And different publications can interpret different visions in completely different ways.
If in a dream a black cat caresses you,then soon you will have to survive the misfortune. Loud mewing of this animal suggests that your partner's love for you is insincere. The question about what the black cat dreams about, the French dream book can most fully open. According to his interpretation, the appearance of this animal in a dream can mean treason. The French also believe that in the event that cats are fighting in a dream and one of them is black, a person will face trials in the form of a night robbery.
However, the interpretation of what a black cat dreams about is notalways negative. According to the Assyrian dream book, such a vision can mean the fulfillment of all secret desires and hopes. In addition, the appearance of this animal in a dream can mean that soon a person will start to be helped by someone powerful from among the powerful of this world.
However, in most other countries, dreams with cats,and not only black, usually mean the approach of events that will upset the dreamer. Negative is not only the visions in which the sleeper manages to drive this animal away, kill him or otherwise avoid his attack. These dreams can be attributed to the favorable. Such visions foreshadow a quick release from enemies.
The secret of your dreams can be revealed whenuse of any dream book. In different countries, dreams with the participation of these lovely pets are interpreted differently. What kind of interpretation to choose depends only on the personal preferences of the dreamer.