/ / Tips for future owners of cats: how to determine the gender of kittens?

Advice for future owners of cats: how to determine the gender of kittens?

One of the most difficult tasks for a beginnerThe breeder of cats is the definition of the sex of newborn pets. This is sometimes pierced even by experienced owners. And if the pet that brought the litter belongs to the longhaired breeds, then the task can be conditionally designated by the code phrase "mission impossible". So, how to determine the sex of a newborn kitten? We will give advice to beginners.

how to determine the sex of kittens
The reason that sex determination causesdifficulties, lies in the field of physiology. Usually in young mammals, the sex is determined by the external genitalia. But how to determine the sex of a small kitten, if in this area everything is covered with a layer of fur, and in general at birth, pronounced signs are not observed?

The structure of the genital organs in kittens is such thaturogenital opening has a similar structure in males and females. How to determine the sex of kittens for such similar signs? Only very attentively looking to each of them. You can try to compare different representatives of the litter: if you see a difference in the structure of the genital organs, it means that before you are different representatives of the brood. It remains to determine who is the male and who is the female. Boys usually have a developing testicle near the genitourinary opening. They can be noticeable immediately after birth, especially in the smooth-haired members of the feline family. True, sometimes the testicles do not immediately descend into the scrotum, how to determine the sex of the kittens in this case? It is necessary to wait up to 4-12 weeks, by that time they probably will already be noticeable, and their presence will no longer cause doubts.

how to determine the sex of a newborn kitten
The above method is the most accurate. The remaining methods will not be so accurate, although they can also be used.

To such not very accurate ways of howdetermine the gender of kittens, refers to their color. It is believed that the red representatives of this tribe - most often cats. But three-color with almost 100% probability - females. Male, having in color at the same time black, red and white, are extremely rare. Most often, such cats can not have offspring, since the tri-color gene is a sign of the female, and in the case of the birth of a boy with it, it is considered an anomaly.

how to determine the gender of a small kitten
The last way how to determine the gender of kittens,is rooted in the belief that males of predators are initially born larger than females. To determine who is before us - male or female, we should compare it with other kittens. The largest, with square muzzles, are likely to be boys. But the quiet and small, probably - cats. However, in practice, this principle does not always work.

No matter what gender the newborn kittens are,the main thing is that they are healthy, eat well and stay near their mother. And if you need to give them names, but the sex of the kids is difficult to determine, it is worthwhile to come up with neutral options that are equally suitable for both boys and girls, and then in the future, when they grow up, the names will not differ from the gender of the pets.

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