/ / How to properly bring up kittens: a few tips

How to properly educate kittens: a few tips

Many cats do not know how to correctlyto bring up kittens, or consider that it is not necessary to do this. This is a wrong, erroneous opinion. Completely vain all claims in the absence of education for an adult cat, if from the first days of her life no one was engaged.

how to properly educate kittens

Since the appearance of the animal in the house you are carryinghis responsibility. The main rule that must be remembered is not to allow the kitten to do anything he wants. Remember that the foundations of good education are laid in the subconscious of the animal gradually, so you need to be patient and persistently repeat all the requirements for the new tenant.

To understand how to properly educate kittens,you need to first get acquainted with his first "family". Try to purchase an animal from a breeder who really loves cats, and not someone who is just a way to earn money.

If you have a small child in your family,try to convey to him that a new friend is a living being, he must be loved, and one must not offend. It should be treated as a member of the family. If your child is too young to understand this, it is better to delay the purchase of the animal for a while.

Never apply physical force toa small animal, whatever he did. Often you can hear the question of how to properly educate kittens, because they do not understand the words! But they understand intonation well. Try in a situation strictly say "You can not!". Believe that sometimes this will work better than a slap.

how to educate a Scottish kitten

How to properly educate kittens so that laterthe adult cat did not spin at the dinner table, begging for a treat? To do this, it is enough to train the animal to get its food before the family sits at the table. To disaccustom the kitten to jump on a sofa or on a table, lay out in its favorite places stripes of adhesive tape. They really do not like it when something clings to the paws. Even after you remove the paper, the sofa or table will be associated with something not very pleasant.

Today, many animal lovers preferto see Scottish cats in his house. However, there are some doubts. How to raise a Scottish kitten? Do not worry, this kid does not require any special approach. Surround it with warmth and care, but do not spoil it excessively. After a while, a healthy, calm and balanced animal will live in your house.

It is interesting to watch how the cat brings upkittens. In the first hours and even days after the appearance of offspring, she practically does not depart from the young, carefully lick them, thus, accustoming them to cleanliness. Soon they will grow up, and they will be able to look after themselves. She is very attentive to ensure that all the kittens are with her side, but it is worth one, very smart, to move away from her, as he will immediately be returned by a caring mother to the "family nest".

how does a cat raise a kitten

Approximately from five weeks the cat begins to giveyoung hunters lessons. In the beginning she will bring a dead mouse into the nest and let the kids play with her. Later she shows them a living rodent. About a week later kittens are allowed to practice themselves in catching mice, but under the supervision of a mother cat.

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