/ / Eat in cats, how to recognize and what to do

The estrus of cats, how to recognize and what to do

The scientific language of estrus in cats is nothing else,as a special mental, as well as the physiological state that occurs during sexual hunting and is a harbinger of mating. What do you need to know about the owners of cats? About this below.

So, the estrus in cats and dogs is different. In cats, this phenomenon is not accompanied by excreta, although it is difficult to notice it. During the estrus, cats begin to behave differently, with each one in different ways, depending on the nature. So, for example, a cat can become very affectionate, constantly demanding attention to yourself or, conversely, tough and aggressive. Many cats begin to rub on pieces of furniture or even on the owner's legs, ride on the carpet and loudly purr, calling the cat. If you stroke a cat that has a heat, on the back closer to the tail, it will bend your back, lift up the pelvis and tail.

It also happens that the estrus in cats causes a decreaseappetite, as well as accompanied by frequent urination and small swelling in the genital area, with a clear lubrication. In addition, it also happens that the estrus flows in cats without any symptoms and is called "erased estrus". This is the case with those animals that are obese or weakened, such as a recent disease.

The first estrus in a cat: manifestations

As a rule, the first estrus in cats happens inthe age of seven to eight months, but the exact time can not be predicted, as many factors influence this. Individual in each case and the duration of the estrus, as well as its periodicity.

It is important to understand that the estrus in cats isa perfectly normal natural state, which only confirms the maturation of the egg. The only thing that you should pay attention to is for too long a heat or for a long time without it. The causes that cause such pathologies can be very different, ranging from an improper diet and ending with hormonal disorders and even the appearance of tumors. If there are disturbances in the cycle, then the cat must necessarily be shown to the veterinarian.

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If the host causes inconvenience to the behaviorcats during heat, causing dislike for the animal, which behaves aggressively and even tries to escape from home, then you can take action. The easiest to stop all this "disgrace" is to finally bring the cat with a good cat. However, whether there is a quiet dream of that, in fact the estrus at a cat passes or takes place every half a year, thus to pregnancy of a cat are ready not earlier, than in one and a half year. Moreover, it is important to remember that premature pairing can lead subsequently to the birth of dead kittens.

In addition, even if the cat is an adult, thinkonly, where will you put the kittens after the cat is entertained with the cat? Are you ready to take part in their destiny or throw kids to the street? It is also important to understand that frequent births negatively affect the health of a cat.

Therefore, as an option, you can try to give the cathormonal drugs that stop heat, but no more than once or twice a year. Continuous use of such drugs will lead to the development of cancer in the cat and uterine pathologies.

Terminate estrus once and for all is possible bycarrying out the sterilization of the animal, which involves pipetting, or castration, which consists in removing the ovaries and uterus. Such an operation will help to avoid problems associated with a cat's estrus, prevent unwanted pregnancies and even allow an average lifespan of a cat to be increased by an average of two years.

What decision you would make, remember,that, despite the fact that the estrus in cats causes a lot of inconvenience to the owner, to scold or punish the animal for it is impossible. The cat behaves so only because it is inherent in it by nature, and not at all in order to annoy you.

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