/ / Breeds of dogs: husky - hunters and watchman

Breeds of dogs: husky - hunters and watchman

breeds of dogs like husky
Today we will consider very nicedog breeds. Laiki are beautiful, small dogs that have a thick straight hair of different colors. Due to such a smart coat they perfectly tolerate the low temperatures of Siberia. They can sleep peacefully in the snow and not freeze their paws. Ideal when using a sled.

Breeds of dogs: husky - the best hunters

Basically, amateur dog breeders set them up forhunting. They take well the trail of a bear, fur-bearing animals, ducks. Swim well. Having found prey, they loudly bark inform about this to the hunter. They have excellent vision and instinct.
Laika feed on the same amount of food asother breeds of dogs. But, living in such harsh conditions, they retain their fatness and musculature. In their place, other dogs would long ago have become a "skeleton."

Dog breed of Siberian husk

Laikas are used as sled dogs. They feel great in the harness, led by the largest and strongest leader. All the huskies in the harness understand and support each other. They have high endurance and quickly regain strength after a long run. They are also successful in hunting. Siberian Laika are divided into two types: East Siberian and West Siberian Laika. East Siberian predominates in Siberia, in the east of the Yenisei. It combines the qualities of a hunter for large and small prey and a sled dog. It also differs from the ordinary breed of Laika by its size.

breed of Siberian hounds

Breeds of dogs: husky. East Siberian View

East Siberian Laika are bigger, they have longlegs, a powerful skull, ears - upright, tail - crocheted. Color - from white to red. Wool is stiff with soft fluff. Dogs of this species of Laika are very good-natured in nature. Easily amenable to training. You have to do a lot with them and walk.

Breeds of dogs: husky. West Siberian view

West Siberian Laika are more suitable forhunting for a large beast. Most often they are specially trained to hunt for a certain species. A big dog, kind by nature. A breed in the western Urals was bred. From the previous breed, the Laika is not distinguished by such a massive body. Wool is also tough.

Husky dog ​​breed

breed of husky husky dogs
Husky, or Siberian husky, is very friendlyA breed of dogs adapted to life in nature. She has a gentle nature. These are quite large animals with powerful muscles. The coat is medium, close to the body, thick. Color varied - from pure white to black, with drawings on the back and head of a dog. Huskies are only for sledging. They are distinguished by their high resistance to long journeys and develop a high speed even on loose snow. They are able to slow down the metabolism in their body. That is why their endurance under unfavorable conditions is manifested. For hunting, they are not suitable, because they like to eat their own game. Huskies can easily live independently in the forest, like wolves. They practically do not know how to bark, all their emotions are expressed by howling. This breed of dogs is familiar to many on the animated film "Balto", based on real events. Dogs of the Husky breed rescued the city of Nome in Alaska from diphtheria, found and brought cargo with the necessary medicines. The main savior was even immortalized in history, placing him a bronze monument.

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