Financial forecasting and planning are interrelated elements of management
Elements of management of economic andsocial warehouse are planning and forecasting. They are used to determine the most appropriate areas of economic development, to adjust the growth rates of certain industries. Financial forecasting and planning - the concepts are not identical to each other, they are designed to perform various tasks. Financial forecasting and planning are very important, both for a single enterprise and for the whole country, because these management elements form the conditions for the implementation of the tasks set.
In the broadest sense, financial forecastingis aimed at studying the expected economic situation in the future. Forecasting develops strategies to ensure the sustainability of the enterprise and determines the direction of investment, as well as articles to finance costs. In the narrow sense, the term "forecasting" is applied to calculations, when drawing up financial plans, for example, when forecasting the volume of sales, for forecasting the cost price. Forecasting gives the calculations a certain elasticity, allows you to introduce amendments in connection with changed circumstances.
Financial forecasting and planning alsoimportant for external users of this type of information. For example, banks conduct forecasting of financial condition of creditor enterprises. The methodology for assessing the likelihood of deteriorating financial condition allows you to quickly respond to forecasts for bankruptcy and take appropriate action. Depending on the bank of the state assessment results, the company can be recognized as insolvent, and therefore, it options to restore the solvency can be offered.
Financial Forecasting Forms Preconditionsfor financial planning. Depending on the term, the forecast can be medium and long term. Financial forecasting determines the ability to manage the movement of financial flows and precedes planning.
One of the key instruments of economicmanagement is planning. There is no single planning principle, the financial plan synchronizes the enrollment and expenditure of funds, and each organization carries out the planning process based on its experience and needs, in particular, the adequacy of the funds for financing the future activities of the enterprise is assessed.
At the state level, the principleseffective management of public finances, which ensure the stable implementation of state programs in the social sphere. These include: tax and budget transparency, long-term sustainability of the country's budgets, an effective system of relations between budgets, consolidation of the budget process, financial planning for the medium term, budgeting, with emphasis on results, financial control and reporting. These principles exist in the format of a unified system for managing public finances, which must constantly evolve and adapt to the conditions and changing tasks.
Financial plans are divided into: current, operational and prospective. The importance of decisions taken during planning is extended to a long-term perspective. Long-term plans are a design, the elements of which are short-term plans. If we talk about enterprises, they, mainly because of lack of experience and time, use short-term planning, that is, one year ahead. The annual budget is divided into quarterly and monthly plans. Financial forecasting and planning at enterprises can be carried out differently, depending on the size and size of the organization, but always aimed at the formation of goals and their implementation in the future.