/ / Ways to improve the efficiency of the enterprise

Ways to improve the efficiency of the enterprise

Economic efficiency of activitiesenterprises - one of the types of efficiency of the enterprise, it represents the ratio of the result obtained to the spent material and financial resources. This type of efficiency depends, first of all, on the rational use of all types of resources with their structure. These ratios are due mainly to the specifics of production itself, technical equipment, the level of technology development, labor organization and the ratio of intensive to extensive production factors. The state of the structure is strongly influenced by external factors such as resource markets, supply and demand for a particular type of resource, resource prices, etc.

The process of measuring the planned or alreadyThe received level of efficiency of the enterprise is connected with definition of criterion and formation of system of corresponding indicators. Performance indicators of the enterprise are divided into several groups:

- general indicators of production efficiency;

- indicators reflecting the effectiveness of the organization and use of labor;

- indicators characterizing the degree of use and distribution of productive assets;

- indicators reflecting the effectiveness of the use of all financial resources.

A set of actions and activities for growthefficiency of industrial and economic activity of the enterprise name ways of increase of efficiency of activity of the enterprise. The main ways to improve the efficiency of production include the reduction in labor intensity and the increase in labor productivity. Also, the main ways include rational and economical use of resources and raw materials, a decrease in the index of capital intensity and improvement of the company's investment activity.

Ways to improve performanceenterprises imply the introduction of scientific and technological progress at the enterprise, including the revolutionary re-equipment of production assets on the basis of the latest scientific achievements of technology and technology. Such fundamental changes in technology, the mobilization of technical, organizational, social and economic factors will significantly increase the labor productivity index.

Ways to improve performanceenterprises also imply the use of a saving mode. Resource-saving factors should be decisive to meet the ever-increasing demand for fuel, raw materials, materials and energy.

In addition, ways to increase efficiencythe activities of the enterprise also include measures to better distribute and use the organization's core resources and funds. It is very important to use the production potential of the enterprise as much as possible, to monitor the rhythm of production, and to maximize the utilization of production equipment. The result of these activities will be an accelerated rate of growth in finished products, without unnecessary investment and investment.

An important place for increasing efficiencyOrganizational and economic factors occupy the organizational structure. It is also necessary to develop social infrastructure and management methods. It is necessary to improve methods and forms of management, methods of planning, stimulating, encouraging. A special place in the reduction of the share of expenditure of resources and intensification of the entire economy of the organization belongs to measures to improve the level of quality of products sold for sale. The level of product quality should be a fundamental factor, which requires close monitoring.

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