Energy inspection of the enterprise
The energy survey is aone of the most relevant and promising sectors of energy consulting, which allows us to identify places where energy resources are inefficient, as well as water, gas, heat and electricity, etc. By reducing the losses of all these resources, it is possible to achieve a serious decline in energy, water, gas components in the cost of production, as well as increase the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market.
Energy inspection of the enterprisepursues the most important goal - to identify ways to reduce energy costs, both in physical terms and in value terms. Such a study of the enterprise will make it possible to prepare a reasonable, comprehensive plan for energy saving in the medium term.
The energy survey conducted by the organization helps to implement the following:
- the specific consumption of heat and electricity is reduced;
- the installed capacity is reduced due to the use of energy-saving technologies;
- losses of energy resources to economically justified sizes are minimized;
- Energy audit data can be used in the future to justify and protect tariffs, as well as to increase their transparency and objectivity.
The energy audit for the company management has the following advantages:
- understanding the process of distribution of energy resources within the organization;
- obtaining a specially developed for the enterprise plan of measures to eliminate deviations in the energy saving system;
- reduction of the energy component in the cost of production;
- minimization of losses that exceed standards;
- elimination of misuse of funds;
- introduction at the enterprise of an effective energy economy that meets all existing norms and standards.
Energy surveys of organizations are conducted as follows.
1) Analysis of actual consumption of energy resources and expenditures on them.
2) Survey of heat supply, electricity and water supply systems.
3) Survey of protective and enclosing structures.
4) Calculation of energy consumption, creation of balances of heat and power consumption.
5) Determination of the specific consumption of heat, electricity, and water consumption.
6) Identification of technical solutions and activities to improve energy conservation and efficiency of consumed resources.
7) Formation of reports and technical documentation, based on calculations received during the work done.
8) Sending an energy passport for examination and then including it with the appropriate register.
Integrated and professional energythe survey helps to develop programs to increase energy efficiency and implement program activities. Thanks to such a study, it is possible to recoup the conducted measures in a short time (due to minimization of energy inputs, and, accordingly, financial resources).