Indicators of economic efficiency of the enterprise
To analyze the company's production activities, it is necessary to consider the indicators of the company's economic efficiency.
First of all, the efficiency of production fora certain time interval is determined by the volume of manufactured goods, which is estimated using conditional-natural, natural and cost indicators.
The volume of output is determined by commodity, gross andrealized products. The indicator of gross output is the total volume of goods produced, calculated in monetary terms. This category includes finished final, as well as unfinished products and semi-finished products, components and goods, the manufacture of which has already begun. The realized production includes already sold goods and products. The entire volume of final goods produced by the enterprise is categorized as the commodity category.
The estimation of economic efficiency of the enterprise is made with the help of such indicators as gross income, profit and net income.
Gross revenue is calculated by excluding depreciation and material costs from all gross output. Net income is determined by subtracting from the value of gross output its full cost price.
Profit, as above described indicatorseconomic efficiency, allows to evaluate the work of the enterprise. Education is as a result of the sale (sale) of products. The value of this indicator is defined as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of goods and the cost of production and the actual implementation.
Indicators of economic efficiency includeits composition and costs. They are divided into one-time and current. The latter are directly related to the sale and production of goods and constitute the cost of production. The amount of current costs depends on various factors. A certain type of products can be produced from various materials and raw materials. The main indicator of the efficiency of current costs is the profitability of production. This category is determined by the ratio of the profit received from sales to the cost of goods.
One-time costs are indicatorseconomic efficiency, which arise with the renewal and expansion of production. Usually here one-off large investments of means having a capital character. The indicator of the effectiveness of one-time costs is calculated by the ratio of the increase in profit, net or gross income to capital investments.
And yet, profit is the most importanteconomic indicator, which is the final financial result of the enterprise. It is the basis of economic development at the level of both a separate organization and the state as a whole.
Profit, as well as other indicators of economicefficiency, describes the specific production activities of the company. The level of profit in comparison with other firms shows the quality of the work of managers, their ability to carry out economic activities.
Profit is the internal main sourceformation of financial results of the firm. The more profit the company receives, the less it is required to attract external sources of financing. Unlike other internal sources, profit is constantly reproduced, and in the conditions of successful management, its expansion takes place.
It is this indicator that forms the marketvalue of the enterprise. The higher the level and the amount of capitalization of profit, the higher the value of the assets of the organization, and, correspondingly, its market value also increases.