/ / Waste of hazard class 5: list, disposal

Waste of hazard class 5: list, disposal

In our time there is a rapid growthof the world's population. And this leads to an increase in the amount of consumed resources. As a result, humanity was faced with a new problem associated with the growth of the quantity of various kinds of waste. Not all discarded objects and substances can be disposed of. Most of the waste is transported to landfills, which in time can lead to an ecological catastrophe.

What is wastes?

According to the legislation, waste is allobjects, materials and substances produced as a result of production or exploitation, as well as goods that have lost consumer value, are unsuitable for further use and must be disposed of or destroyed. Hazardous waste are substances and objects whose physical, biological and chemical properties are harmful to living beings and require special treatment and disposal.

waste of 5 hazard class list

Classification of waste according to hazard class

Depending on the level of exposure to the bodypeople all household and industrial waste are divided into groups. For different objects, contamination (solid objects, liquid substances, hazardous fumes, etc.) is determined by separate hazard classes. The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes 5 classes of waste of human life and production processes:

  • 1 class - emergency waste. The level of negative impact on living things of such objects is very high. The accumulation of class 1 waste gradually leads to the destruction of ecology, which can not be corrected.
  • 2 class - highly hazardous waste. The degree of environmental impact is indicated as high. This group of waste strongly violates the ecosystem, the recovery period of which is more than 30 years after the elimination of the impact of the destructive factor.
  • 3 class - moderately hazardous waste and substances. The level of destruction is estimated as average, and the recovery period of the external environment can last at least 10 years.
  • 4th grade - low-hazard waste. The degree of impact on the natural environment is characterized as low, it will take at least 3 years after the elimination of the harmful factor to restore the ecological balance.
  • 5 class - non-hazardous waste. The objects and substances of this group act on the ecology in a low degree, practically without disturbing its components.

    waste 4 5 hazard class

Waste 4, 5 hazard classes are the most harmless to human health.

What concerns the 5th grade

On the territory of Russia, the following wastes are classified as hazard class 5:

  • eggshell;
  • shavings and sawdust of natural wood;
  • wooden packaging;
  • pieces of cardboard, paper, corrugated cardboard;
  • straw and wood ash;
  • unfit for use ceramics;
  • building crushed stone, which has lost its consumer value;
  • broken building bricks;
  • wastes of gypsum;
  • used abrasive wheels;
  • boiler scale;
  • cement waste in solid form;
  • iron, steel scrap metal, unsuitable for use remnants of ferrous metals and aluminum;
  • steel shavings;
  • iron barrels;
  • plastic products;
  • polyethylene waste - film, bags;
  • large-scale housing waste;
  • large household rubbish of various enterprises and organizations;
  • food waste of restaurants, cafes;
  • garbage after cleaning large areas and premises of wholesale and retail trade;
  • waste and defective lamps;
  • waste of insulated cables and wires;
  • garbage after cleaning of educational, cultural and sports institutions.

    Hazard Class 5 Waste Disposal

All wastes of hazard class 5, listed above, are well known to every person. All of them are in fact products of the life activity of mankind.

Features of waste storage

Hazard Class 5 Waste Storageis carried out according to regulatory requirements. So, for temporary storage of garbage special platforms should be designed. Important requirements for such places:

  • they should be located on the windiest side of the building;
  • above the site there must be a canopy that will protect the waste from the atmospheric precipitation;
  • the surface of the territory must have a stable coating (for example, cement);
  • On the perimeter of the territory there must necessarily be a network of rainwater with special cleaning structures.

It is forbidden to connect the stormwater of the territory with the city rain sewage system or to discharge contaminated water into the nearest water bodies.

Waste management at the district, city or oblast level is regulated by local authorities provided that regional regulations do not conflict with federal laws.

Waste transportation

Disposal of waste of hazard class 5 is carried outlicensed enterprises. The terms and frequency of export from temporary storage areas is regulated by the accumulation limits established by the relevant project.

recycling of class 5 waste

It is possible to transport waste onlyintended for this transport, which must have a certain designation. Waste class 5 and 4 are transported to landfills. They can stay there until the processing plant takes them out for recycling.

Utilization of domestic and industrial waste

Use of Class 5 hazard wastes -a serious task, the solution of which should be handled not only by processing enterprises, but by a whole state. Recycling of industrial and domestic garbage is important not only for the preservation of the environment. This process has an industrial value. Thus, during the burning or fermentation of organic substances, energy and raw materials are formed for the production of composts, building materials, etc.

In Russia, waste of hazard class 5, a listwhich are listed above, are processed by individual enterprises. They have a special license to transport and dispose of such substances and items. The only type of material for which processing is not required is plastic. In this case, it is sufficient to obtain a certificate of ownership of waste to a certain class. Such a document is issued by an accredited laboratory after the identification of the waste.

export of 5 hazard class wastes

World practice of garbage disposal

Many countries prefer to useincineration machines. They not only allow to destroy wastes, but also enable to convert heat into useful energy. The greatest effect from the utilization of the 5th class of waste can be obtained by using an integrated technology - processing one type of material and burning other kinds of garbage. World experts in this field argue that in the near future recycling of class 5 waste with the production of electricity and heat will be the main method of utilization. They suggest that states should create incineration plants, where sorting and disposal of waste of hazard class 5 will occur for subsequent processing. That is, whole processing systems will be created, in the structure of which specialized plants for the utilization of certain types of raw materials - glass, paper, wood, metal, etc. - will begin to operate.

recycling of hazard class 5 waste

The issue of utilization in the countries withlimited territory. For example, in Sweden it is forbidden to carry out the disposal of waste. In this country, garbage is used as a source of raw materials and fuel. Therefore, the disposal of waste of hazard class 5 in landfills is not even considered. Local authorities consider household and industrial garbage as a cost-effective resource, on which one can make good money. Now, Sweden is using recycling technologies to provide whole cities with heat and energy.

Why waste must be recycled in class 5 hazard

The list of wastes of this group was compiled by expertsafter careful research and analysis. Thus, their safety is proved and documented by certain organizations. Despite this, recycling of class 5 waste is necessary. Although the objects and substances of this group do not cause tangible damage to nature and man, they represent a very different threat.

use of hazard class 5 waste

The fact is that the amount of such waste eachday is continuously growing. Used things, expired products, different packaging and packaging - all this very soon falls into the dump. Therefore, the disposal of waste of hazard class 5 is considered a problem of the whole modern society and requires a competent organization to prevent global environmental disasters in the future.

Smuggling of wastes

It would seem that the disposal of safeis a priority issue that the state must deal with. But in fact, this process requires close monitoring of the highest state structures. The fact is that some enterprises are trying to utilize together waste 4, 5 hazard class. Recycling of class 5 waste is much cheaper than items and substances of Group 4. And many organizations use this. The bodies of state control are closely monitoring compliance with the requirements of laws and in the event of violations can be fined. Therefore, it is better to adhere to the rules of ecological safety and correctly distribute waste of the 5th danger class. The list of such substances and materials must know the enterprises of all directions.

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