/ / Cesspool: features of the device

Cesspool: features of the device

The cesspool is probably the oldest andThe most common version of treatment facilities that are used in cottages or in economy class suburban houses. The work of this design is very simple: all sewage, used water, kitchen residues drain into the store through a pipeline into a special pit, which is located in the yard of the house.

A conventional cesspool can be builttwo ways. First, you can dig a hole that will not have a bottom, and all the waste will then penetrate into the ground, the liquid will seep into the ground, and the solid will gradually be pressed. In such devices, no additional cleaning systems are installed. And after filling, such a cesspool in the cottage is filled with earth, or can be cleaned by special services.

However, sanitary norms prohibit creatingwells and storage pits that do not have a bottom and where the water will enter without filtering immediately into the ground, if the volume of effluents exceeds 1 cubic meter per day. With a smaller amount of runoff (including toilet, food waste, drain from the cranes, etc.), the cesspool can be built without a bottom.

The fact is that living in the soil bacteria are capable ofClear the volume less than a cubic meter. If there is more sewage, then the soil is simply unable to cope with so much waste. With waste water, all harmful substances enter the ground, contaminating groundwater, and then water in wells and wells. If the well is located within a radius of thirty meters from such a place, the contamination will soon reveal itself. At the present time, when a lot of water is poured out at the dacha as a result of washing, cooking, washing, it is not recommended to arrange bottomless pits.

However, when organizing treatment facilitiesthere are also some nuances. The cesspool can not be located when groundwater is lying down to two meters from the surface. Sewage should be kept as far as possible from wells and wells. The site of the pit should be taken into account when planting fruit bushes and trees, so as to eliminate the danger of infection of berries and fruits with bacteria.

The second option is a cesspool,the device of which is produced with the help of waterproofing, it has a tightness. Such a construction can be made from improvised materials, brick, concrete, wood, reinforced concrete rings.

The volume calculation takes into account the number of people,who live in the house. For each person, reserve at least a half-cubic meter. So, for a family of five people, the cesspool should have a volume of at least eight cubic meters. The calculation assumes the presence of a bathroom, water heaters, which allow increasing the flow of water. Thus, if the family permanently resides in a country house and fully enjoys all the benefits of civilization, the waste may need to be pumped out every two weeks.

To the merits of cesspools can be attributed thema fairly accessible and simple way to organize a sewer autonomous system. Disposal of waste in this case is quite simple and environmentally safe. All waste after pumping is taken to the drainage stations, and the groundwater and soil remain clean. Hermetic tanks can be laid at any depth, regardless of the level of groundwater.

To the minuses that the cesspool has, you caninclude the limited location on the site, an unpleasant smell. If there is a leak, leakage may occur, with a large consumption of water (swimming pools, jacuzzi, etc.), there is a rapid filling and increased maintenance costs. When the ground water is close to the soil surface, the pit organization is impossible.

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