/ / Certification of waste of 1-4 classes of danger

Certification of waste 1-4 hazard classes

Certification of waste is extremely important in ourthe modern world. In the passport, all the necessary information on how to use the method for the safe management of waste from the production of different degrees of environmental hazards in one or another case is necessarily provided.

That is why the process of certification of hazardouswaste is very necessary and quite important. This duty is fixed in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Here you need to understand the process of issuing a passport and other related documents.

What is the certification of hazardous waste?

Issues related to the development of passportWaste 1-4 classes of hazard, as well as carrying out calculations of the level of threat to the environment, are quite important at this time. First of all, it is necessary to understand the meaning of this term.

certification of waste

Certification of waste is a specialDocumentation, which contains all the important information related to this topic. In addition, from the passport you can find out about the properties and composition of the waste, its origin, possibilities and locations. The methods and optimal technologies of neutralization, application are described. Certification of waste means the preparation of documents that contain information concerning the definition of their class, the requisites of the relevant organization for which they are assigned.

In simple words, the passport is a special onea document that contains absolutely all information regarding hazardous waste. Everything is extremely simple. According to the current legislation on waste certification, the organization supervising them must have documentation for all four classes of these hazardous substances. As well as additional evidence indicating their level of danger.

What are the hazardous waste classes?

The process of developing a passport is aa specific activity whose purpose is to obtain a document capable of confirming the belonging of certain wastes to a particular hazard class. In this situation, the FCCC classifier and certification of waste of hazard class 1-4 in the NSO are taken into account.

certification of waste 1 4 hazard classes

The Ministry of Nature of the Russian Federation has established five main classes of danger. They fully take into account all the necessary criteria and the degree of harmful impact on the environment.


  • V is the minimum threat;
  • IV - low level of danger;
  • III - moderate degree;
  • II - heightened threat;
  • I - extremely high level of danger.

Absolutely all legal and physicalenterprises are required to own such documents, if hazardous waste occurs in the course of their activities. It should be borne in mind that even in offices there is such a threat: domestic garbage, fluorescent lamps (the fifth level of danger).

Judicial practice shows thatExceptions can be made by organizations that rent premises in business centers, because here waste is exported by the owner of the facility. Only such legal entities can be exempted from the need to develop a passport.

certification of waste 1 4 hazard classes in nso

Requirements for the contents of the passport

When drafting a document, there are manyquestions that need an explanation. Taking into account the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation from 2013, the passport must contain some unchangeable items:

  1. Information about the company:
  • contact details of the management;
  • name of organization, legal form;
  • special identification codes in accordance with the all-Russian classifiers: certification of waste of hazard classes 1-4 of OKVED, OKATO, OKPO.

2. General information on waste:

  • variety;
  • name, code in accordance with the federal classification;
  • specificity of the technological process, from which waste was generated;
  • component, chemical composition as a percentage;
  • features of physical form, aggregate state: gel, emulsion, slag; liquid, solid or pasty; dust or powder, fiber, suspension;
  • hazard class of the waste submitted.

Rosprirodnadzor is responsible for the certification, where the documents are sent in the notification order.

waste certification 1 4 hazard classes okwed

Validity of the passport

In accordance with the resolution of Rosprirodnadzor,PPOs are issued to organizations for an indefinite period. The duration and the period of validity of the documentation can not be established only if the marked recycled raw material is suitable for the FCCC.

If this classification does not existinformation about the required material, the passport is valid at the time of registration in the FCSC. If this is necessary, Rosprirodnadzor may authorize the re-registration of all documentation again. The cost of certification of waste directly depends on the volume utilized by the organization of raw materials. It is important to remember that for each type of waste it is necessary to make a separate document of a certain ecological type.

What is noted in the documentation?

Certification of waste (hazardous) plays an importantrole in the implementation of specific actions relating to marriage or processing. Due to this, the utilization is carried out according to the rules established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

certification of waste is

Content of the document:

  • the degree of harmfulness of waste is calculated;
  • the results of laboratory research are given;
  • documents that can confirm the level of danger are indicated;
  • issuance and registration of necessary papers.

How to get documentation on certification of waste of all hazard classes?

To get this document, you need to know some rules and recommendations. When developing a passport, you need to have certain information.

It is necessary to provide the following documents:

  • previously approved limit;
  • the articles of association of the organization: information about the management, physical address and requisites;
  • precise information concerning the location of the disposed hazardous raw materials;
  • Documentation describing the current technology that caused the scrap to appear;
  • information on the neutralization of wastes, destruction and use of all available developments.
    certification of waste means

Specificity of fines

Receipt of a passport ismandatory, which is provided by Rosprirodnadzor. In the absence of this paper, there is a risk of obtaining a significant penalty and sanctions up to the closure of the enterprise for an indefinite period. This is due to the fact that such raw materials can cause irreparable harm to the environment.

The most dangerous types of scrap for the environment:

  • estimates that appear during the harvesting of any territory (grade 4);
  • polymeric substances;
  • fluorescent, mercury lamps (1st class).

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, if the organization does not have a passport, its activities are illegal and dangerous.

The administrative responsibility for the lack of a passport is as follows:

  • a fine for individuals - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • to legal entities - from 250 thousand;
  • as an alternative to a financial penalty - the closure of the facility for three or more months.

Rosprirodnadzor requires obtaining passports for specific premises where such wastes are stored. All the requirements for registration can be found in the building departmental norms.

certification of waste legislation

Importance of hazardous waste passports

Any transportation companyor burial of hazardous waste, must have an existing document on the right to such activities. In the passport there is all the necessary information concerning raw materials, its composition, properties, methods of production and utilization. This documentation is also necessary in order to create regulatory waste management projects, as well as limits on their distribution.

The head of the company must approve the readypassport. The coordination of all information and documents takes place in Rosprirodnadzor. There are no restrictions on the term of their validity. The only exception is when the technology for receiving waste changes. In this case, you must perform the necessary re-registration of documents.


Summing up, it should be noted that certificationA hazardous waste is a special document. It contains all the necessary information not only about the management of the enterprise, but also about the utilized raw materials. In the passport, a variety of waste is marked, a hazard class for the environment, properties and processing technologies. Everything is done within the framework of the Russian legislation. In the absence of necessary documentation, an administrative penalty or alternative sanctions are imposed on the enterprise, such as closing the organization for three or more months, as we discussed above.

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