/ / 433360 ZIL: general information, history, technical characteristics and cost of the car

433360 ZIL: general information, history, technical characteristics and cost of the car

In this article we will talk about quitefamous car series ZIL - 433360. We will touch on a little history of the creation of this car, then we will talk about technical characteristics and finish the article with a conversation about the cost of a car in our time.

General information and a bit of history

In the early 80-ies of the twentieth century take their ownhistory of trucks based on the model ZIL-4331, which were produced on the production lines for almost thirty years. Cars of this model number about ten serially produced models, each of which has found its application and practical importance in agriculture and industry. The model 433360 ZIL - a truck with a short base was no exception. This model of the car became a continuation of the well-known and popular truck ZiL-130, a car developed in the design office of the AMO "Zavod im. Likhachev. "

433360 zil

In the basic set of 433360 ZIL intendedfor the transportation of various goods as one car, and as part of a road train on any type of road. Unfortunately, for today all cars of this series are taken out of production, and the plant is subject to demolition. In the Soviet Union, cars of the ZIL family were distributed both in the civilian direction and were used in the armed forces, along with KamAZ, Ural, Maz, KrAZ cars. As a peaceful use, ZIL cars could compete in some ways with popular KamAZ trucks.

Characteristics of the car

character characteristic 433360

Now consider the ZIL 433360 technicalcharacteristics. The weight of the equipped car is about four and a half tons, the load along its axes is distributed as follows: on the front axle - no more than 2.21 tons; on the rear axle - less than 2.3 tons. The total carrying capacity of the car is more than six tons. The volume of the fuel tank is 170 liters. The plant recommends the use of gasoline AI-92. A fuel reserve allows trips of between 450 and 690 kilometers. Characteristic of ZIL 433360 proves the demand for the model and the love of car owners who met the modernized version of the Soviet ZiL-130 car, which proved to be a reliable, unpretentious car.


Unfortunately, the car 433360 ZIL can be foundonly in the secondary market, as well as other models of the car factory. In general, the cost of cars varies from 50,000 rubles to 650,000 rubles, depending on the year of production and the technical condition of the machine. If desired, a diesel engine can be installed on the 433360 ZIL car, which will save on fuel costs. Do not forget that when making any changes to the design of the vehicle, it is necessary to design the traffic police with the involvement of a certified expert about the possibility of making changes to the design of the car without compromising the safety of traffic and the environment. When refitting the car, especially when making changes to the structure of the frame, it is worth remembering the need to keep identification numbers applied during manufacture.

zil 433360 technical specifications

On the web, you can find both positive andnegative reviews about cars ZIL. In general, reviews of cars of this family indicate that the machines are truly labor horses, which, with proper service, serve the owner for many years.

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