/ / Septic shock is a serious complication of sepsis

Septic shock is a serious complication of sepsis

Septic shock is the heaviestcomplication of sepsis, which is an acute disease that develops as a result of exposure to a bacterial, viral or fungal infection. The disease can have a sudden or even lightning-fast onset and develop as a result of the seeding of the organism by the pathogen from the source (focus) of inflammation. Modern medical technologies and highly effective drugs have significantly changed the nature of the disease course, and septic shock is a rather rare complication.

Causes of shock

The causative agent of the disease can be diverse aspathogenic, and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. These are, first of all, coccal flora, escherichia, tuberculosis mycobacteria, Klebsiella, herpesviruses, fungi of the genus Candida and others.

After the causative agent enters the body, sepsisis far from always developing. This requires a special state of the human body, in which its general resistance weakens, and the pathogenic agent begins to multiply intensively. Also, the development of the disease contributes to the weakening of any part of the immune system. In children and adults, the cocci flora often prevails, in those who receive immunosuppressive therapy - gram-negative flora. Against the background of taking hormonal drugs often there is a chronic septic state with the development of tuberculosis sepsis.

Clinical picture of the disease

The manifestation of sepsis depends on its pathogen andimmunity of a person. The disease can begin very quickly, there is a tremendous chill, a high fever of the wrong type, pain all over the body, a small-point rash, severe weakness and loss of strength. Often enlarged in size spleen and liver. In the absence of appropriate antibiotic therapy, a fatal outcome occurs due to the development of shock or such a formidable complication as septic endocarditis. This disease is characterized by frequent thrombosis in combination with a violation of blood coagulability and the development of ICE.

When carrying out antibiotic therapy throughtwo to four weeks there may be pain in the joints, develops septic arthritis or glomerulonephritis. When the kidneys in the urine are affected, a protein, an increased content of erythrocytes and cylinders is found during the study. These complications of the disease, even with a positive reaction of the body to treatment, are a pathological response of the immune system.

Septic shock is extremely severestate of the patient. Consciousness is confused, a person can fall into a coma. The skin is pale, acrocyanosis is observed. Simultaneously, the appearance of a rash. Blood pressure is low. The pulse is fast, threadlike. Pneumonia is often associated with respiratory failure. Body temperature rises to high values.


Septic shock is easy to diagnoseall put out a diagnosis - sepsis. It is put in the presence of the characteristic clinical signs of the disease: a specific connection with an inflammatory process, high fever and leukocytosis of blood, chills, severe general condition. But the main criterion in diagnosis is the isolation of the pathogen from the blood. Sowing it is carried out at the peak of high body temperature. But at the beginning of the disease in half the cases, blood cultures do not give a positive result. Therefore it is expedient to spend them every day.

Treatment of the disease and its complications

With sepsis, pathogenetictherapy. A patient with suspicion of this disease, and even more so in shock, must be immediately hospitalized in the intensive care unit, where it is possible to maintain vital body functions.

Antibiotic therapy is prescribed, and it is better to use antibiotics from several groups at once. Before the detection of a particular pathogen, antibiotics of a wide spectrum are used.

If the DIC syndrome develops, it is advisable to transfuse blood and plasma components. The shock condition often requires correction of arterial hypotension, therefore hormonal preparations are used.

In the future, symptomatic therapy aimed at maintaining vital activity and restoring the normal functioning of body systems is carried out.

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