/ / What to do when the baby's stomach hurts, and what are the causes of this situation?

What to do when the baby's stomach hurts, and what are the causes of this situation?

What to do when the baby's stomach hurts?
Sudden illnesses are not able to please anybody,but if the baby becomes bad, the situation is even more unpleasant. Pain in the abdomen of babies is accompanied by mournful tears and refusal to eat, so the young mother immediately begins to worry. Certainly, it is necessary to address for consultation of the doctor, but also independently to understand a question too will never be superfluous. So why does the belly hurt the infant? Consider the most common reasons.


Young children can accumulate air ingastrointestinal tract, which causes discomfort. Pain worries right after eating and can last several hours. What to do when the baby's stomach hurts in this case? Try to keep the child upright, so that excess air escapes from the stomach. As a prophylaxis, do this after each feeding, it's okay if the baby jumps in the process. If you are breastfeeding, watch for proper nipple grip, and adjust your own nutrition, and if the baby is on artificial feeding, try changing the mixture.

The belly aches in the baby
Excess food

The cause of the pain can be the usual overeating. Symptoms are lethargy, nausea and apathy. What to do when the baby's stomach hurts in such a situation? Provide the child with bed rest. Give a drink of ordinary water if it makes you sick. If there is an opportunity to consult a doctor, consult with him on the topic of enzyme preparations that can help the baby's condition. As a preventive measure, strictly control the portions of food eaten by the baby.

The lack of a chair

Constipation can be considered empty bowel notmore than twice a week. He is accompanied by discomfort and flatulence. What to do when the stomach is hurting the baby in case of constipation? Consult a doctor, as the case may be in violations of the liver, pancreas or thyroid gland. In less severe cases, no special medications are needed, just a lifestyle adjustment. The child will be helped by yoghurts with "live" crops, acidophilus kefir and milk. Constipation is also helped by dried fruits and fresh or boiled vegetables. Perhaps the problem was due to dehydration. Start giving the baby a copious drink.

Abdominal pain in babies
Malicious bacteria

In the body there may be manyvarious pathogenic microorganisms, for example Shigella or Salmonella. In order to get the last, it is enough to eat an infected egg. What to do when the belly aches in the baby, and you suspect salmonellosis? It will take: abundant drink, use of sorbents such as activated carbon or Smecta, and the prescription of antibacterial drugs. To prevent the disease, the eggs should always be hard boiled, and the meat should be cooked more thoroughly. In shigellosis, also known as dysentery, the child has a fever, and problems with defecation begin. First of all, it is necessary to give him a glucose-saline solution, which in time can be replaced by unsweetened tea. The pediatrician will prescribe the necessary antibiotics, and also will advise the child a special diet - porridges, cutlets for a couple and baked apples. To prevent diseases, vegetables, fruits and berries need to be thoroughly washed. After walking, wash your baby's hands thoroughly with soap and water.

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