Ultrasound of the prostate - indications, preparation and technique of performance
Ultrasound of the prostate is one of the most effectiveways to study the condition of the prostate. This procedure accurately determines all the necessary dimensions of the gland and its structure, as well as the presence of pathological formations. The research is based on the reflection of ultrasonic waves from the walls of the prostate gland, which is converted into a picture and displayed on the monitor. As a rule, ultrasound of the prostate has no contraindications and is absolutely harmless to the health of men. After 50 years, when there is a natural increase in the prostate and there is a risk of cancer, a study of this kind should be included in the list of mandatory procedures for periodic examination. This especially applies to cases where there is at least one sign of prostatitis.
Types of ultrasound of the prostate
- Transrectal is when a special sensorfor research enter into the rectum, allowing him to contact the prostate. This method is more reliable, since the ongoing study is performed directly near the organ itself.
- Transabdominal is a type of study in which an ultrasound sensor is guided over the pubic bone.
Indications for ultrasound of the prostate
- During the analysis of the spermogram, pathological changes are observed.
- Renal failure.
- Infertility.
- Violations of the blood test (increase in the level of prostate-specific antigens) and urine.
- Appearance of droplets of blood in the semen.
- Pain of pubic bone.
- Inflammation, which can be detected by rectal examination of the prostate or by probing the nodes on it.
- With a change in the rate of urination (with deceleration).
- Urinary incontinence.
Ultrasound of the prostate: preparation
Before performing a transrectalresearch, the patient must necessarily perform procedures for cleaning the intestines. For this, on the eve of performing an ultrasound of the prostate, he needs a very easy meal and an enema in the evening and the next morning. The entire procedure should be performed on an empty stomach.
In the event that ultrasound of the prostate will be performedin a transabdominal way, the patient needs to fill the bladder. To do this, approximately 2-3 hours before the test, a man needs to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid (preferably water).
Ultrasound of the prostate: how do
Before performing a transabdominalThe doctor should apply a special gel, which is designed for better skin and sensor contact. After all the measurements, the doctor examines the condition of the gland and issues the final "verdict".
If a transrectal examination is performed,then a condom is worn on a special sensor. Such measures are necessary both for easier entry and to prevent the patient from becoming infected with various diseases. This sensor is then inserted into the rectum of the patient and a detailed study of the pathological condition of the prostate is made. As a rule, ultrasound results indicate all the sizes of the organ being examined, according to which the doctor gives a general description of the disease.
Along with ultrasound examination of the prostate in the appearance of various foci, to exclude or confirm the doctor can appoint a detailed study of tissue - a biopsy.