/ / Prostamol: instructions for use

Prostamol: instructions for use

The widely publicized drug "Prostamol" inpharmacies are sold without a prescription. Therefore, in fact, it can be used by every man, noticing that he has problems with the prostate. But it is best if the medicine is prescribed by a doctor, since it has contraindications. In addition, you also need to set the dosage of the reception so that there are no complications.

Before taking a doctor's prescriptionpreparation "Prostamol", instructions for use should be read. After all, the leaflet contains all the basic information about it, prescribed doses, indications and contraindications. Just in case, using Prostamol, the instructions for use should be maintained.

In this medicine, the main active substance- extract from small-sawed sabal. This plant is a urological agent and is used to treat prostate diseases. In addition, positive dynamics was noted in cases of bladder diseases (discharge disorders).

Most often a search query in the network "Prostamol: instructions for use "is given by men who have benign prostate changes, an increase in this body that does not have a cancerous etiology. This greatly simplifies the situation, since there is no question of sarcoma, which means that there is no reason to fear metastases and this organ should be treated. But this conclusion should be given by a urologist after the examination, and then he will choose the scheme and tactics of treatment.

Indications for use of the drug:

- frequent urination, nocturnal urges;

- intermittent or weak flow of urine;

- the phenomenon of leakage of urine;

- feeling of not completely emptied bladder;

- painful sensations;

- sexual dysfunction.

Most of these symptoms, at first glance,can be associated with cystitis, since the urinary function is mainly affected, but this is not the case. The altered, enlarged prostate presses on the urethra, due to which similar phenomena occur. That is, it is not at all necessary that the bladder should be involved in the pathological process. He can be perfectly healthy, and with the cure of the prostate all problems with urination will disappear by themselves.

The principle of the drug is based on its abilitysmall-serrated sabal to stop proliferation of prostate tissue, thereby reducing its pressure on the bladder, to increase the flow of urine, to eliminate the existing inflammation in the pelvic area. Due to its properties, the drug "Prostamol", whose composition is rather unique, is quickly absorbed, and its concentration in the blood plasma becomes the highest one and a half hours.

Like all medicines, it hasmedication "Prostamol" contraindications, but they are insignificant. Among them, one can identify individual intolerance of small-filiform saber and coloring matter. Clinical studies show that the percentage of such patients that this drug is contraindicated is negligible.

Applying the drug, it is worth remembering that hestops the progression of the disease, but does not cure it. That is, the very enlargement of the prostate does not disappear anywhere. Therefore, patients after the treatment course should consult with the doctor to determine whether there is a positive dynamics, if growth is stopped, what actions need to be taken further.

Reception of the drug "Prostamol"application describes quite intelligibly, so to understand it is not difficult. Universal dosage - one capsule of the remedy after eating, by feeding enough water. Take the drug at the same time, for example, after dinner. Duration of admission depends on the stage of the disease, therefore it is established by the doctor. Usually it is prescribed for at least three months. The drug does not affect sexual function and ability to drive vehicles.

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