/ After cesarean sex life: doctor's recommendations. Recovery period after caesarean section

After cesarean sex life: doctor's recommendations. Recovery period after caesarean section

After cesarean, the sex life beginsimmediately. A woman needs time to restore her body. After giving birth, the body experiences tremendous stress. Important roles are lack of sleep, psychological state, pain and other aspects.

What is Caesarian section?

Cesarean section is performed if there is no possibilityto give birth to a child naturally. The fetus may be located incorrectly, the maternal poor health, a number of diseases, extreme situations, etc. During the operation, the abdominal cavity is dissected and a uterine incision is made. This surgical intervention is reflected on the genitals of the parturient woman. Therefore, after the operation, they need restoration.

Is it possible to start a sexual life right after cesarean?

After cesarean section, postoperative woundsheal more often very slowly. Sutures, both external and internal, can bleed profusely. This creates not only discomfort and painful sensations. After giving birth, the woman's genitals are very vulnerable to any infection. Therefore, doctors do not recommend starting a sex life immediately after birth. It can be deadly for a woman.

after cesarean sex life

How long does the body restore after cesarean?

Some women after cesarean sectionseek to resume sexual activity as soon as possible. But the body after this operation takes time to recover. At a minimum, to avoid rupturing and infection. Since the human body is strictly individual, it takes weeks for some, and months for others.

The timing when you can begin to have sex after cesarean

There are doctors' recommendations when you canresume sexual intercourse after cesarean. In most cases, it takes about six to eight weeks to restore the body. It is necessary that the place of attachment of the placenta to the uterus and the suture heal. At the end of this period, you can slowly start to have sex again.

But this conditional term. Some organisms are restored within a month, and others need much more time. Even if the seam on the skin has healed quickly, this does not mean that the uterus has recovered after the operation.

If a caesarean section was madean episiotomy (surgical dissection of the perineum), it is necessary to abstain from sex for about three months while the healing of the postoperative suture passes.

healing of the postoperative suture

How to make sure that you can return to a normal sexual life?

Doctors are sure that if there are no complications,then the sex life can begin as soon as the blood discharge after the operation (lochia) has ended, and there are no problems with the sutures. In order to make sure of this, you need to conduct an ultrasound. This procedure shows how strong the seams are and whether they will disperse during sex.

Even if a woman feels ready tothe resumption of sexual activity and she had a desire, consultation and permission of a doctor are necessary. Only a specialist will be able to determine how the healing of the postoperative suture passes.

In addition to the seams, the fact is that afterthe placenta is separated from the uterus, an open wound is formed. You can not let an infection get into it. Therefore any tampons are excluded, as well as a sexual life. Until the wound heals completely.

pain after caesarean section


After cesarean sex life begins notearlier, than in a month. According to statistics, organisms of 10 percent of women after the operation are fully restored in four weeks. And from the point of view of physiology, it is already possible to begin again to live a sexual life. Another 10% of women because of the individual characteristics of the body and complications can not be rehabilitated even after 8 weeks. The remaining 80% are restored after cesarean in the period from 1.5 to 2 months.

Physiological aspect

After Caesarean woman should listento your body. Before resuming sexual life, you need to wait until the bleeding is over. After this, do an ultrasound and consult a doctor.

First time it is necessary to usecontraceptives. But during the lactation period, birth control pills are often contraindicated, and a spiral can be inserted only six months after the operation. The best options are condoms or vaginal suppositories.

recovery period after cesarean

The beginning of sexual activity after cesarean should besparing. The man should move very accurately, smoothly, to avoid damage to recently healed seams. In the first months, sharp, rough movements, pressure and deep penetration are excluded. Within six months only classic postures are recommended.

At the first intimate proximity after surgerya woman may feel uncomfortable. Often there are pain after cesarean section. But these feelings will eventually pass. The ligaments, muscles and tissues of the body will stretch and come into tonus. It takes time.

Some fervent couples in the first months afterthe resumption of sexual life try to replace classical postures with others. This can not be allowed, since the penetration of fingers and even the tongue can bring bacteria into the body. Another danger is if a woman reacts violently. In this case, the seams that have not yet strengthened can disperse from the stress.

According to scientists, during breastfeedingwomen are produced hormones similar to those that are produced during sex. This often explains the reluctance to resume sexual activity. And it happens most often after caesarean.

after cesarean section

After cesarean sex life for women departsto the background. The thing is that the maternity body is not adapted to a quick return to sex. The partner will have to suffer, since prolactin (the parent hormone) forces the woman to concentrate only on the newborn. The organism at this time is very "busy". He is engaged in feeding offspring. At the same time, sexual desire is not perceived by him as parallel and is considered less important. This condition passes after a while.

After the operation, at first the woman is not alwayscan experience orgasm. Some take about a year to re-experience the former pleasure. But 40 percent of women noted that after a while they began to experience orgasm twice as often.

The psychological side

At first, when after cesarean sexual life resumes, a woman often has a fear of sex. Largely to blame for fatigue, anxiety for the child, sleepless nights, depression. Most often the first time after the resumption of sexual life, it will not deliver the same pleasure as before.

In such a situation, a woman needs to talk withhis partner, talk about their fears. A man should have patience and not only support her morally, but also help with household chores and give as much sleep as possible.

A woman often feels unattractive. After childbirth, the belly and chest strongly hang. Often prevents excess weight. But this can only be corrected over time. A man in this period needs to be more attentive to his half. Over time, the desire to return. To "spur" the doctors often recommend romantic dates or a joint viewing of erotic films.

Sex Life After Cesarean Section

Pain after caesarean section during sex

After cesarean, pain can occur duringhaving sex. And their localization often changes. They can also appear in the vagina. The thing is that the hormonal process of contraction of the uterus and vagina is started, but it has not been deformed. Discomfort during sex is just being tested because of excessive constriction.

Sex life after cesarean section withLack of lubrication can cause a woman severe pain. Often the reason is psychological stiffness. In such cases, you can use special hygienic gels or lubricants. If during the sex there was a sharp pain or the discharge began, then you need to immediately consult a doctor.

What can and what can not be done after cesarean

You can not start a sex life if you havepartners have sexual infections or inflammations. And also if the lochia dragged on and the seams continue to bleed. Before the sex life after the operation, the partner must undergo a complete examination. Strictly forbidden anal sex and lifting weights.

What is possible after cesarean? It is necessary to use contraceptives in order to avoid pregnancy, since the next one can be planned only in two years. Over time, you can choose a position. It must be done very carefully and gradually. The most successful will be those in which the woman herself can control her own movements. More often this position is "from above".

the beginning of a sexual life after cesarean

Recovery after Caesarean

In the first period of recovery after cesareana woman is prescribed a bed rest. In bed, it should lie between 3 and 12 hours. To rise it is necessary cautiously, without sharp movements, not hurrying up and it is better gradually. Best in someone's presence. You can start to sit down only on the third day after cesarean.

If the operation was under general anesthesia and inbreasts are felt gurgling and wheezing, to get rid of the mucus accumulated in the lungs you need to cough. Cope with the gases will help wobble in the armchair, deep breathing and exclusion from the diet of any meal that can be daunted, and carbonated drinks.

If constipation has begun, to normalize the stoolGood physical activity (but moderate), dried fruits and vegetables. All of the above can affect the psychological background of a woman. And during this period, sex drive is reduced.

During recovery from cesareanpoorly developed lubricant. In this case, active petting helps. You can use aphrodisiacs or incense. To minimize the burden on the abdomen and thighs in the first months, it is best to use the posture "behind" or "missionary". You can try and gradually others, but at the same time pay attention to the pressure on the vagina does not cause pain.

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