/ / Furadonin - reviews confirm the effectiveness

Furadonin - reviews confirm the effectiveness

Furadonin (nitrofurantoin) is a drug,which is a derivative of nitrofuran. This drug is active against streptococci, staphylococci, salmonella, shigella and other pathogens. The drug "Furadonin", which is described as a highly effective drug, is used for urethritis, cystitis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis.

The preparation is available in the form of tablets, 50 or100 mg of nitrofurantoin. Take them inside with water. Single adult dose - 0.1-0.15 g, 3-4 times a day, a maximum of 0.3 g per reception. The daily volume can be up to 0.6 g according to the recommendation of the attending physician. As for his application in pediatrics, Furadonin is prescribed for children older than one month depending on the weight of the patient: from 5 to 8 mg / kg daily. The dose should be divided into four doses. In acute infectious diseases of the urinary tract treatment can last from seven to ten days.

The course of treatment Furadonin, aimed atthe prevention of recurrence of diseases, as a rule, is quite long: its duration usually ranges from several months to a year. In this case, it is taken 1-2 mg / kg daily. The exact dose and duration of reception of Furadonin is determined only by the attending physician, based on the symptoms of the disease. Finally, with urological operations or appropriate diagnostic procedures, a prophylactic drug "Furadonin" is recommended. Reviews say that its use makes it possible to avoid possible complications.

Contraindications to the reception of Furadonin is,first of all, individual hypersensitivity to the drug. It can not be used to treat patients with chronic cardiac and renal insufficiency. It is contraindicated for serious liver diseases - chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis. The drug penetrates into the mother's milk and through the placental barrier. Its use by women in the situation increases the risk of developing a hemolytic anemia in the child - a condition in which the destruction of red blood cells occurs. Assigning him pregnant, the doctor must assess the possible risk to the fetus in comparison with the probability of developing a serious infection in the mother. Nursing women and children under the age of Furadonin are also not prescribed.

Side effects of the drug are quite serious. They include, first of all, allergic reactions of varying severity - from mild rash to Quincke's edema and anaphylaxis, as well as vomiting and nausea, anorexia, less often - abdominal pain and diarrhea. Possible headaches, dizziness, drowsiness and shortness of breath, fever, asthma attacks. Finally, during the reception of the drug "Furadonin" (reviews, fortunately, they say that this happens rarely), manifestations of hepatitis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis are possible. Symptom of his overdose is abundant vomiting. In particularly severe cases, patients are shown dialysis.

Despite the long list of side effectsof the drug "Furadonin", the reviews say that this remedy is very popular. This is due to the high effectiveness of the drug: so, if you take it with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, it is often possible to avoid the development of ailment. This drug has been tested for years and, provided there are no contraindications to its administration and individual intolerance, it is difficult to find a drug more effective than Furadonin: cystitis, if you believe the reviews, it eliminates literally within a few hours.

Furadonin should not be taken concomitantly withsome drugs - in particular, antacids. When taking any medications, you should inform the specialist you contacted about the urinary tract infection.

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