/ What is a decubital ulcer on the cervix?

What is a decubital ulcer on the cervix?

When gynecological examination is often detectederosive surface of the cervix. This pathology can appear due to various reasons. Depending on the predisposing factor, several types of erosion are distinguished. An example is decubital ulcer. This type of damage to the uterine epithelium is observed in older women.

decubital ulcer

What is a decubital ulcer?

Virtually every second woman on her ownexperience knows what is the erosion of the cervix. With this diagnosis, you can live for many years, without feeling any discomfort. That's why many women do not pay attention to the presence of pathology, considering it harmless. In some cases, erosion really does not harm health. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that it is considered an optional pre-cancerous condition and at any time can be transformed into an oncological pathology. One of the varieties of this disease is decubital cervical ulcer. Unlike ordinary erosion, this ailment is more serious and requires urgent treatment.

decubital ulcer of the uterus

Causes of ulcer development on the uterus

In most cases, a decubitalulcer in elderly and elderly women. Its appearance is associated with vascular disorders. Considering that the vagina and the uterus are related to the muscular organs, their stretching occurs with age. Especially it concerns those women who lead a sedentary lifestyle. As a result of a lowered muscle tone, the organs gradually stretch. In some cases, there is an omission or even a prolapse of the uterus. In addition to adynamia, this leads to another factor - a decrease in the level of estrogens. These hormones are produced by the ovaries only up to a certain age (45-55 years). Therefore, the disease is more common in women who are in the postmenopausal period. Decubital ulcer refers to trophic disorders. That is, it develops due to the extension of the organ, as well as with worsening of venous outflow. In addition to the age-related involution of the musculature, there are other causes of the appearance of decubital ulcers. Among them: the inflection of small pelvic vessels, venous congestion due to blood diseases.

decubital cervical ulcer

Decubital ulcer of the uterus: how is it diagnosed?

Deep erosion (ulcer) of the cervix is ​​not alwaysit is easy to suspect. After all, many women do not make any complaints when there is one. In rare cases, ulcer symptoms include: pain in the genital area and in the lower abdomen, pathological discharge from the vagina (pus or blood). This clinical picture can be observed if the defect is large and deep, and there is inflammation of the affected area. Nevertheless, in most cases, any of the varieties of erosion is revealed through gynecological examination. Sometimes palpation of the uterus is painful. You can see the ulcer only when you examine the genitals with a mirror. Thanks to this tool, the cervix can be fixed in the desired position and well considered. In the presence of erosion, colposcopy is performed. This method of research allows you to see the damage under a large increase, as well as get a piece of pathological tissue (biopsy). Decubital cervical ulcer in the photo after the colposcopy is as follows: a round or oval defect of a dark color with a clear outline and white contents. On the edge of the redness. In addition, the diagnostic procedures include taking a smear on oncocytology. If the ulcer is not on the cervix, but in the body or the bottom of the uterus, a hysteroscopy is prescribed. In some cases, you need to get a large piece of tissue. This is an indication for conization of the cervix. This procedure is carried out not only for the purpose of diagnosis, but also refers to one of the methods of treatment.

decubital cervical ulcer on the photo

Ulcer on the cervix: what to do?

In contrast to shallow erosion, with trophiculcer should be hospitalized patient. This is especially necessary in cases where the defect is accompanied by an inflammatory reaction. If the bottom of the ulcer contains pus, and at the edges there is swelling and redness, treatment should be started immediately. The more time a damage develops, the deeper it is. Therefore, ulcerative defects can lead to infection of the entire organ and even to sepsis (breakthrough of the focus of infection). In such cases, it is rare to save the uterus. To not bring to such a state, constant monitoring of a specialist is necessary. For the purpose of treatment, tampons with ointment drugs are used. For example, the drug "Levomekol." It has not only anti-inflammatory, but healing effect.

Prevention of decubital ulcers

Decubital ulcer develops for a long time,therefore, in order not to start the process, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist at least once a year. Preventive measures include: physical exercises to strengthen muscles, use drugs to dilute blood. In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to start anti-inflammatory treatment on time. When organ prolapse, surgical intervention should be performed.

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