/ / Spray "Strepsils Plus": instructions for use, reviews

Spray "Strepsils Plus": instructions for use, reviews

Painful sensations in the throat area indicatethe development of an inflammatory process caused by a viral, bacterial or fungal pathogen. To eliminate the symptoms and affect the pathogens, the Strepsils Plus spray will help. Instructions for the use of this medication, its composition, indications for appointment and reviews will be discussed in detail in the article.

General information about the preparation

The appearance of pain in the throat is an alarming symptom, oftenassociated with the onset of the inflammatory process. It is very important to begin treatment as early as possible in order to avoid the spread of infection to the lower parts of the respiratory system. An effective tool that allows you to quickly stop the unpleasant sensations is considered to be "Strepsils Plus". Spray instruction for use is positioned as a universal medicine that can overcome various pathologies of the throat.

spray strepsils plus instructions for use

"Strepsils Plus" is easy to use and allowsdeliver the medical components that are in the composition, directly to the focus of the inflammatory process. The average price of a medicine in the form of a spray is 370-400 rubles. Pharmaceutical companies from Great Britain and the Netherlands are engaged in the manufacture of the medicine.

Composition, form of release

A spray for treating the oral cavity and throat containsseveral active components: lidocaine hydrochloride (780 μg), dichlorobenzyl alcohol (580 μg) and amylmetacresol (290 μg). Lidocaine acts as a local anesthetic and almost instantly relieves painful sensations. Dichlorobenzyl alcohol has a negative effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Many gram-positive and gram-negative bacilli exhibit sensitivity to this component.

strepsils plus spray shelf life

Strengthen the therapeutic effect of the spray "StrepsilsPlus »auxiliary components: levomenthol, peppermint and anise oil, glycerol, citric acid and hydrochloric acid, sorbitol, sodium hydroxide, ethanol 96%, saccharin. Essential oils have softening properties, and also eliminate swelling of tissues.

The drug is available in the form of a spray. A bottle of 20 ml is designed for 70 doses and has a special dispenser-sprayer. The bottle contains a liquid of red color, which has a characteristic smell of mint and anise. Shelf life "Strepsils Plus" (spray) after opening the bottle is 3 years. It is also necessary to adhere to the temperature regime and not to allow a temperature increase of more than 30 ° C.

Indication for appointment

The main causes of pain andPersecutions in the throat are pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. For relief of unpleasant sensations, topical preparations should be used. One such is the spray "Strepsils Plus". The instruction on the use of the medication contains information that it is able to cope with the symptoms of laryngitis, tracheitis, sore throat, pharyngitis.

strepsils plus spray

The drug also gained popularity in the dentalpractice. Antiseptic and analgesic properties of the spray can be used for gingivitis and stomatitis. "Strepsils Plus" effectively removes inflammation, bleeding and swelling of the gums. It is often recommended to use the remedy after tooth extraction for disinfection and prevention of complications.

Combined local medicine hasa wide range of effects and quickly copes with staphylococcus and streptococcus - the most frequent pathogens of inflammatory processes in the throat and mouth.

Do they appoint future mothers?

The organism of pregnant women is subject to attacks of variousviruses and bacteria. The immune system in this period does not always cope with its "duties" and often misses such "strikes". This leads to the development of pathological conditions. Most often, future mothers face colds accompanied by sore throat. Is it possible to use "Strepsils Plus" (spray) in these cases?

In pregnancy use this productit is possible, but only for the purpose of a specialist. The manufacturer claims that the components in the drug are devoid of mutagenic, teratogenic and toxic effects on the fetus. However, some doctors still advise to refrain from using the medication in the first trimester.

Strengthening the therapeutic effect of the drug will help additional rinsing with herbal and saline solutions.

Pediatric Use

Another category of patientscatarrhal diseases, ARVI, pathologies of the upper respiratory tract - children. In infants, such ailments develop very quickly and often cause more serious problems. To prevent complications and alleviate the condition of the child, it is worthwhile to use drugs with a rapid therapeutic effect directed specifically at the focus of the inflammatory process.

strepsils plus spray reviews

Is it possible to use the pain in the throat of a childspray Strepsils Plus? The instruction warns that this medicine is suitable only in cases when the child is already 12 years old. To children of younger age to appoint a medicine it is forbidden.

Currently, to select a local tool forelimination of pain in the throat of a child under 12 years of age will not be difficult. In the pharmacies there is a huge selection of sprays and aerosols that have a complex effect. However, it is extremely dangerous to choose a medicine for a baby. With this task it is better to consult an ENT doctor.

How to use a spray?

"Strepsils Plus" for the throat in the form of a spray is allowedapply every three hours. To do this, the nozzle of the vial is directed toward the focus of inflammation and 1-2 times click on the nebulizer. This dosage is suitable for all patients. The maximum frequency of repeating the procedure per day is 6 times. Otherwise, there is a risk of overdose. The duration of such therapy is 5 days.

After spraying the medication in the oral cavity, you should not eat and drink liquid for half an hour. Relief of symptoms can be observed after 7-10 minutes after using the spray.


Use the spray "Strepsils Plus" onlyin the absence of contraindications. You can read them by reading the instructions. The manufacturer warns that a local antiseptic is not suitable for patients who are hypersensitive to auxiliary or active ingredients.

strepsils plus spray instruction

It must also be remembered that the drug did not undergo clinical trials that would give an idea of ​​the tolerability of the spray for children under 12 years old. Therefore, this category of patients is not appointed.

During the period of breastfeeding and pregnancy, "Strepsils Plus" is used only after consultation with the attending physician.

Side effects

Reviews about the spray "Strepsils Plus" on the basis of threeactive components are mostly positive. The medication helped virtually all patients to eliminate the pain syndrome caused by pathologies of the throat and oral cavity of an inflammatory nature. Locally, the anesthetic brings relief for 2-3 hours.

Spray for throat strepsils plus

Many note a somewhat unpleasant tastemedicines. However, all the unpleasant feelings are already in the first minute after spraying the solution. Another disadvantage of the spray is the cost. The high price of imported medicines forces some patients to select a more affordable analogue.

Than to replace?

Spray "Strepsils Plus" instruction manualrecommends replacing if there is no therapeutic effect after spraying the medication or if the individual components are not intolerant from the formulation.

strepsils plus spray in pregnancy

The following medicines are considered effective:

  1. "Geksoral" - has antifungal andantimicrobial action. Hexetidine is used as the active ingredient. In the form of an aerosol, the medicament contains eucalyptus leaf oil, which has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes. The solution for spraying is allowed to be administered to children from the age of three.
  2. "Oracept" - a popular medicine as intherapeutic, and in dental practice. Has a rich cherry flavor and phenol as an active ingredient. Antiseptic is actively used in any pathology of ENT organs and problems with the health of the oral cavity. It is allowed to kids from two years old and future mothers.
  3. "Tantum Verde" is a local tool based onbenzidine (NVPS). Available in the form of a spray, rinse solution and tablets. The spray has a pleasant minty smell and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is used for candidiasis, tonsillitis, gingivitis, pathology of ENT organs, after tooth extraction and surgical interventions. Can be used in pediatric practice from 3 years.
  4. "Ingalipt" - fights with pathogenic microbes, anesthetizes and relieves inflammation in the throat. The active ingredients are sodium norsulfazole and streptocide. Children are appointed only after 3 years.

What kind of drug can really replacespray Strepsils Plus? Reviews of patients and doctors suggest that the analogue of the medication should be selected depending on the diagnosis and individual sensitivity to the active substances.

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