/ / The drug "Aqua Maris" (spray): instructions for use

The drug "Aqua Maris" (spray): instructions for use

Medicinal preparations "Aqua Maris" havegreat popularity not only in Russia, but also abroad. This was mainly due to the high efficiency of these drugs and the minimum number of contraindications. This group of drugs salt spray and drops, recommended for washing the nasal cavity. In this case, they can be used for prevention, and in the treatment of the common cold (including allergic) and other diseases of the nasal cavity.

Use "Aqua Maris" spray instructionadvises for children older than a year (previously you can refer to drops) and adults. Contains purified sea water without any additions. However, in some forms, for example, the tool "Aqua Maris Plus" additionally includes panthenol. This drug is usually recommended for people with increased dryness of the mucosa or with a cold, accompanied by increased crust formation.

Many therapists, allergists and ENT doctorsadvise to buy the drug "Aqua Maris" (spray) to those who are prone to frequent colds. Microelements contained in it, contribute to improving the functions of the ciliated epithelium, and also maintain the physiologically normal state of the nasal mucosa.

Apply the drug "Aqua Maris" (spray)the instruction recommends in the following cases: acute and chronic diseases, infections of the nasal cavity, allergic rhinitis. There is no information about drug overdose and pharmacological interaction with other drugs.

Among the side effects for the drugmeans there may be an allergic reaction. In addition, if the product is misused, eustachyte can often form. To avoid this, it is necessary to follow the recommendations given in the instructions. For babies, drops are used, and for older children, if a deep rinse is needed, instead of spray it is better to use the Aqua Maris home remedy, which has a special device that prevents the solution from entering the Eustachian canal. The product is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription, and thanks to a unique manufacturing technology, it can be kept at room temperature for a long time, while the efficiency does not decrease.

The drug "Aqua Maris" during pregnancy is absolutelyis harmless, therefore it can be used without fear to use for treatment of the common cold and ARVI (in combination with other permitted medicines) during this period. In general, this means of contraindications has practically no, the exception is the form in the form of a spray for children under the age of, since its use can lead to trauma to the mucosa or other complications.

For the prevention of "Aqua Maris" spray instructionsrecommends the use of babies from year to 7 years 2-3 times a day, with one injection in each nostril. It is actual in the epidemiologically dangerous period, as well as when the air is dried in the room where the child is often (use of air conditioners, split systems, central heating). Children who have reached the age of seven are allowed 2 injections as needed, but no more than 4 times per day, and adults - up to 6 times.

For softening and subsequent removalaccumulated excreta and mucus drug "Aqua Maris" (spray) instruction advises you to use as much as necessary. Excess fluid is carefully removed with a cotton swab. The procedure can be repeated many times until the goal (removal or softening of crusts and mucus) is achieved.

To treat the spray prescribed for children from one year to sevenyears for 2 doses in each nostril 4 times a day, after seven years - up to 6 times, adults can apply the drug up to 8 times (you can inject it 2-3 times). The course can last 2-3 weeks, if necessary, repeat in a month.

For the treatment of rhinitis, it is possible to simultaneously use other drugs, while the effectiveness of the spray "Aqua Maris" is not affected.

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