/ / Arthrosis of the Ankle

Osteoarthritis of the ankle

Frequent and, at first glance, seeming randomstretching of ligaments and "podvorachivanie" stops can be a consequence of a serious disease. Arthrosis of the ankle joint is accompanied by a weakening of the muscles involved in its stabilization, as well as a violation of blood circulation in it.

As practice shows, out of a hundred people about six have this diagnosis. In the age of up to forty years arthrosis of the ankle arises in two percent of people, and in the older one - in eighty.

The disease is accompanied by thinning and destructionmuscle tissue, as well as deformation and changes in the structure of the bony heads. The earlier arthrosis of the ankle is revealed, the more easily and successfully it is amenable to therapy.

The main symptom of ailment is soreness. Pain in the ankle appears often, especially after rest. They also arise when moving, but they quickly pass. Osteoarthritis of the ankle is also accompanied by a characteristic crunch, rapid fatigue during walking.

The most significant causes of the development of the disease are biomechanical factors, heredity, inflammatory processes, disruptions in the endocrine system.

Specialists define a special group of people most prone to the onset of the disease. It includes athletes (professional football players, runners), as well as ballerinas.

When the first typical signs of the disease manifest, it is necessary to consult a specialist without delay.

Osteoarthritis of the ankle. Treatment

Therapy begins with the diagnosis. For this, radiography is used. Based on the results of the study and on the basis of the examination, the specialist will prescribe the necessary measures aimed at strengthening the muscle tone. The tactics of treatment include physiotherapy and the use of pharmacological agents.

The initial stage of the therapeutic course, asrule consists of conservative methods. All of them depend on the degree of development of the disease. The goal of any event is to slow down the destructive processes. The therapeutic course may include the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, including special injections.

The conservative methods of influence include the appointment of special shoes or the use of insoles, training aimed at strengthening the muscles, acupuncture, gymnastics.

It should be noted that the course of the disease is exacerbated due to the lack of timely treatment. Severe consequences can occur.

So, deforming arthrosis of the anklecharacterized by very serious violations of musculoskeletal functions. The condition is accompanied by intensified pain sensations that do not pass either alone or after movements. There is a feeling of joint stiffness, limited mobility.

Subsequently, the disease provokes persistentchanges accompanied by deformation. At the last stages of this form of arthrosis there is a complete destruction of the cartilage, which helps to change the surfaces of the joint. Thus, it becomes unworkable.

To reduce the intensity of pain, it is recommended to reduce the load on the joint, to combat excess weight. Contraindicated hypothermia, trauma.

Effective methods to combat the disease arephysiotherapeutic procedures, balneotherapy, the use of medications, including painkillers and drugs, whose action is aimed at improving blood circulation.

A prerequisite for achieving the effect of treatment is proper nutrition and the timely disposal of the resulting inflammation.

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