/ / Ankle retainer how to choose?

Ankle retainer how to choose?

Injuries can lie in wait for a person at every step, from them no one is immune. Therefore, you need to know how to properly protect yourself from such troubles and what to do if they have already happened.

Ankle retainer must be tightcling to the ankle. This provides her with protection during sports training, reduces pain in injuries, bruises and during the postoperative period during walking or running, has a massage-compression effect, helps during an exacerbation of many diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, and if there is rupture of the ankle.

Very important!

ankle retainer

Since the ankle bears all the loadbody, he repeatedly experiences tension in muscles and ligaments, and this affects the wear of cartilaginous and muscular tissues, and also causes atrophy of ligamentous apparatuses.

If the ankle retainer is notprovides the proper support or is picked up incorrectly, it can create a condition for re-injury. In addition, it will slow down the healing process. Therefore, it is worth remembering that only qualified specialists can deal with it. And you yourself can buy a lightweight ankle retainer. How to choose it? It depends on the leg injury.

Severity of injury

Damage to the joints can occur inthe result of falls, bumps, bruises and even when wearing tight shoes or shoes with high lift. In this case, ligaments of the ankle joint are damaged, which contain a large number of nerve endings. They provide reliable attachment of muscle tissue to the bone, thereby preventing the joint from moving away from the axis of movement.

ankle injury

In order to select the correct clampankle joint, first of all it is necessary to determine the severity of the injury. To date, there are such degrees of damage: light, medium and heavy.

With mild severity, there is a smallEdema and aching pain while walking. If an average ankle injury occurs, the swelling may be as weak or more pronounced. There is also a partial restriction of movement and discomfort when the injured limb moves. A severe degree is characterized by hematoma and severe pain, as well as complete restriction of movement.

Selecting a lock

To date, there is a large selectionproducts, which allows the consumer to choose the best option for price and quality. The ankle joint, like other similar products, can be used by people of any age category. Therefore, when selecting, you need to consider factors such as design, material (its quality), size.

ligaments of ankle

When purchasing a suitable fixer,carefully study the instructions, consult with a specialist and, if possible, get feedback from other users, read the indications and contraindications to the application, the principle of action, and also learn about possible side effects. With a properly selected fixator, the recovery period will pass almost painlessly and as quickly as possible.

Manufacturing of fixatives

The most common materials areneoprene, nylon and elastane, but each of them has its own properties. Neoprene is often used in the production of elastic fasteners, it speeds up blood circulation and keeps heat. But such a fixative is not recommended to be worn for a long time, since it can cause an allergic reaction.

When nylon is combined with other fibersstrength of the product, thereby increasing its service life. Elastane, or lycra, is also used in combination with other materials and, thanks to its increased elasticity, it provides a good fixation of the joint. Likkra has the property of passing air and thus does not conserve heat. For the manufacture of fixatives, spandex (elastic threads that provide perfect fit) and cotton (natural material for long-term use) are also used.

For prevention

Orthase is an excellent tool that serves tofixation of the lower leg. The retainer is widely used for bruises, injuries, but it is often used for prevention. If the leg is exposed to high physical stress, then it simply needs a fixer so that the ankle ligament is not torn. For such cases, an elastic orthosis with additional belts and Velcro is well suited. All fixatives must be worn on a bare foot or a sock of thin cotton fabric.

ankle retainer how to choose

Foot Stomach

This ankle retainer is designedfor correcting movements. Its design provides good immobility of the joint in case of damage, ideally fixes the shin. This helps to avoid the possibility of repeated stretching and rupture of ligaments.

Despite the fact that the tutor well fixes the joint,it does not create any difficulties when walking, which makes it very practical and convenient. The thing is that it provides immobility only to the joint and does not interfere with the entire limb. This lock can be made of any material, including leather or plastic. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the patient's disease and the sensitivity of his skin.

Flexible Fosta retainer

Orthoses of this brand are widely used throughoutthe world. At manufacturing of the goods modern technologies are used, by means of which the maximum effect is achieved. The orthosis is made of medical elastic, which provides an easy degree of fixation and stabilization. Has a compressive effect on the muscles and connective tissues. The edges of the lock are treated with an overlock with a lining of bandage rubber, which allows using it for a long time.

ankle retainer fosta

Apply Fosta ankle fixative inperiod of recovery after surgery, with damage to the tendon, as well as with arthrosis, arthritis and other diseases. After use, there is a significant reduction in pain syndrome, stabilization of the ankle joint and improvement of blood circulation. This lock is easily worn and with the help of special straps securely fixed.

So, remember!

If you select any lock, you mustto focus not on its cost, but on the quality of the material and its functionality. The market offers a huge selection of these products, but you need to purchase exactly the one that appointed you an expert.

You can only select a retainerthen, when there is a trauma of mild severity. To speed up the blood flow, warm and keep warm, the neoprene dressing is ideal. It is her effect that removes swelling, pain in diseases, but can cause an allergic reaction. In this case, the patient needs to choose a dressing with the content of cotton.

Elastic retainer with silicone insertsprovides a good fixation and gives freedom of movement. Therefore it is suitable for people who are engaged in sports or are experiencing great physical exertion at work.

ankle rupture

Injury to the ankle is a serious matter. Therefore, do not neglect treatment, especially if it was prescribed by a doctor. Orthoses for fixing the joint at the present time are the most effective method of eliminating ankle injury, as well as a good preventive tool. The choice of models is so great that if you want, you can find any fixator at an affordable price.

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