/ What does the ankle ultrasound show?

What does ultrasound show the ankle?

Because of inflammatory processes and injuries occurpathological changes not only in the joint, but also in the tissues that surround it (muscles, ligaments, tendons). To make a correct diagnosis, an ultrasound is assigned, which makes it possible to see the entire area of ​​the lesion and accurately establish the disease. Let's see what the ultrasound of the ankle shows?

ankle joint ankle


At present, from a technological point of viewultrasound has received such a high development that it is inferior even to MRI. Since the advantage of sonography is the analysis of soft tissues, tendons and muscles that are in close proximity to the surface in the ankle, it is this diagnostic procedure that becomes the main one in determining various diseases and injuries.

The device makes it possible to differentiatevarieties of gaps (complete or partial), stretching. Usually complete ruptures of tendons and ligaments are very rare. With such injuries of the ankle (and they can also meet in everyday life), ultrasound shows whether there is a thickening of the structure of the ligaments, deformations along the edge, affecting the change in shape, and unwrapping. During an external examination, the doctor can detect hemorrhages and edema.

What determines the ultrasound of the joints of the foot and ankle?

Joints are very convenient to explore throughultrasonic waves, due to their location on the surface and small dimensions. Using the ultrasound of the ankle joint, one can see ruptures of tendons and ligaments, visualize the intermittent nature of the fibers that have been damaged, edema of the tissues and hematoma. This technique makes it possible to determine not only the level, but also the degree of rupture of tendons and ligaments, to differentiate the complete and partial ruptures. In addition, degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory processes occurring in the joints, as well as tumor formation in the foot, can be detected. In addition, due to ultrasound, the duration of the pathological change is determined.

uzi ankle that shows


Unlike other diagnostics, ultrasoundAnkle joint is widely available due to its low cost. This method is completely safe, even if applied to the newborn.

Thanks to ultrasound diagnosis, a doctor canin detail, consider all the tissues of the joint that have been damaged (cartilage, muscle, articular bags, tendons), to establish the cause of the inflammation. With the help of an X-ray, this is impossible.

Ultrasound diagnosis can be carried out repeatedly, which makes it possible to observe the recovery process during the entire treatment period.

Before the procedure, no patient preparation is required, ultrasound takes very little time.

to make an ankle of the ankle

Methods of ultrasound of the joints of the foot and ankle

We already talked about what to do ultrasoundankle joint is quite simple, since the procedure does not require the patient special preparation and does not have any contraindications. During the procedure, the examinee must assume the position of lying or sitting. On the foot and shin area, the doctor applies a special gel to ensure that the sensor of the device does not slip and reflect the ultrasonic waves in full. The ankle joint is viewed in four planes, that is, in anterior and posterior, lateral and medial. If you change the position of the sensor, then a much higher visualization of this or that structural component occurs. An identical circuit is used to scan joints located in the foot. Performing ultrasound of the ankle, it is necessary to follow a specific sequence of actions and achieve standard positions.

Sequence of actions of the doctor

When conducting the diagnosis, at the beginning of the studyankle joint by means of ultrasound, first of all the doctor needs to assess its cavity, pay attention to the factor of presence or absence of liquid, its homogeneity and volume. After this, the condition of the subcutaneous bag of the ankles (both lateral and medial) is analyzed. Then, adhering to strictly established order, the doctor should describe the tendons and ligaments present in all ligament complexes, from side to Achilles. Everything should be described separately. Also, the physician should pay attention to the symmetry, integrity, various inclusions of minerals in the structure of the tendons, if any.

uzi ankle joint Taganrog

What does ultrasound show the ligaments of the ankle?

After this, the analysis of the heelbags and related tendons. The condition of the same bone structures adjacent to the ankle and forming it, is diagnosed already in the last place. Since bone tissue in principle is not very well suited to ultrasound diagnosis, more attention is focused on the cartilage.

A simple technique

The procedure for the implementation of ultrasoundThe research is quite simple in execution. Any changes, even minimal ones, are diagnosed with high accuracy, as the tissues are very well distinguished. What else does the protocol of the ankle ultrasound show?

Since in any inflammatory process injoint and surrounding tissues, and vascularization is strengthened, then in the corresponding area vessels are more clearly visible. If, in the course of time, the process becomes chronic, then calcification and calcification foci appear, which have an increased echogenicity. In addition, as an inflammatory feature is such characteristics of anatomical formation as heterogeneity, as well as the presence of fuzzy contours and changes in echogenicity. Where is the ankle joint made? This question interests many.

Due to traumatic injury of ligaments ortendons, their normal anatomical structure is disturbed. Perhaps the appearance of effusion in the joint area, which has the form of hypoechoic formation. Over time, it gets a heterogeneous structure, in most cases its outlines are blurred.

where to make an ankle of the ankle

So, ultrasound examination of the ankle andjoints of the foot allows you to obtain important information for the diagnosis of violations. It makes it possible to detect one or another pathological process in the corresponding anatomical region. In most cases, this information, combined with clinical data, is sufficient to establish a final diagnosis. Therefore, the methods of computed tomography are no longer needed.

Ultrasound of the ankle in Taganrog can be done in specialized medical centers:

  • Consultative and diagnostic center. Address: st. Dzerzhinsky, 56.
  • The medical and diagnostic center "Neuron". Located on the street. Freedom is 19/1.
  • Center "Biomed". To address to the address of street. Frunze, 66-a.

The cost of the procedure should be specified directly in the medical institution itself.

When and who needs to use ultrasound?

Most often ankle ligament injuryare found among athletes. The most typical mechanism of injury is the turning of the foot outward or inward at the time when the limb was being loaded (jumping off the projectile, running or jumping). There is also another mechanism of damage when the foot rotates relative to the longitudinal axis of the tibia. Injuries of this kind in most cases are found in skiers, if during the descent of the ski toe, an obstacle is touched, while the skier is moving forward by inertia. In this case, the foot fixed by the boot remains in place, and the shin progressively moves forward, and as a result, the foot eversion develops violently. Given the mechanisms of development of trauma, which were described above, it can be understood that there is damage to various components of the ligaments of the ankle. For example, with foot inversion and supination, the outer lateral ligaments are usually damaged, and in case of an eyelid and pronation, the lateral and deltoid can suffer.

To send on ultrasound can sports doctors,traumatologists, rheumatologists, oncologists and surgeons. The procedure can be taken in any preventive or curative medical institution, in which there is an ultrasound machine. For example, an ultrasonic ankle joint in Minsk is held in the medical center "Ortoland".


The following indications for ultrasonography of the ankle:

  • injuries;
  • inflammatory processes.

ankle joint protocol

If the patient has sprained ligaments, thenhe experiences painful sensations, there is edema, hematoma of mild severity, instability in the ankle joint. Treatment and diagnosis are performed under the supervision of a specialist.

What should I do with the first symptoms?

It must be remembered that even if after an injurythere are mild symptoms, it is necessary to ask for first aid in the trauma center or to a traumatologist, so that he diagnoses and prescribes the necessary treatment. Damage even to a small extent can adversely affect the ankle in the future, as well as cause a serious disease.

If the patient has a rupture of ligaments, hismovements become limited, or, he can not walk with support on a damaged joint, because he experiences acute pain. Also there is a significant puffiness of the tissues, hematoma in a strong degree, unstable connection of the ankle. In many cases, rupture of ligaments is accompanied by hemarthrosis, in which blood accumulates near the joint. In this situation, an ankle puncture is performed. The accumulated fluid is drained, and then injected with Novocain.

uzi ankle joint in Minsk

Inflammation of tendons

Inflammations of tendons include:

  • Tendonitis (arises from overstrain of a chronic nature, caused by degenerative tears and changes);
  • paratenonitis (the effect of repeated trauma, fibrotic tissue is delayed).

In spite of the cause of ankle injury, an ankle of the ankle is prescribed in any case, since this diagnosis is very accurate and effective.

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