/ / Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor!

Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor!

"Salt deposition" is a fairly commonthe definition of arthrosis of the knee joint, common in the people, although it certainly does not fully disclose all the pathological changes occurring in the process of this disease.

Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint is a disease of people, mostly elderly

deforming arthrosis of the knee joint
age. And, more often than not, these are women. Gonarthrosis (also called this disease) greatly affects the quality of life of the sick person and often leads to disability.

Over time, the knee joint, whichat first only "crunched" when moving, turns into a terrible mess of deformed and mutated elements that simply can not perform the function assigned to the joint.

To avoid this, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible, since the dystrophic changes in the joint occur gradually and inevitably!

Signs of arthrosis

The deforming arthrosis of the knee joint is striking,as a rule, both knees. Moreover, a greater propensity to it is observed in people with overweight, suffering from diabetes and thyroid gland diseases. Women who have reached the menopause are also at risk.

A dangerous situation that can push the development of gonarthrosis may even be the running of people who want to lose weight, as this creates an excessive load on the joint.

 arthrosis of the knee joint what to do
The deforming arthrosis of the knee joint is manifested in the early stages by dull pain inside it, which occurs mainly after the load and disappears at rest.

Then the joint begins to crackle when walking, and in the morning, after sleep, the patient needs time to disappear stiffness when moving his foot. The knee, at the same time, becomes edematous and mutates.

In later stages, pain in the jointbecomes almost constant, intensifying to changes in the weather. Gait changes, legs are bent. The patient feels constant muscle tension in the area of ​​the affected joint, the inability to bend and unbend the knees.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint. What to do?

If you understand how hard youryou need to see a doctor immediately. In the case when the orthopedist will diagnose you with "deforming arthrosis of the knee joint", treatment in the early stages of the disease will be aimed at stopping the pain, stopping the destruction of the cartilage with the help of

arthrosis of the knee joint
therapeutic physical culture and elimination of excess weight.

At later stages of the disease, drug treatment or, if necessary, surgical intervention is used.

Medicinal preparations help prevent further degeneration of the cartilaginous tissue, relieve the inflammatory process and swelling of the knees. They are used and
inside, and outwardly. Some drugs are administered intra-articularly.

For the treatment of arthrosis, electrophoresis, massage and wearing special insoles and bandages are also used.

Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint isquite a dangerous disease, which can not be allowed to run its course. At the first symptoms it is necessary to consult a doctor and follow his advice in the future. Only in this way you can prolong the health of your feet!

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