/ / Syteka from stomatitis: methods and features of application

Sinoma from stomatitis: ways and features of application

Oral problems occur in humansoften enough. One of the most common troubles is the appearance of white sores on the mucous membrane. This is a stomatitis. It is necessary to fight with him without fail. And what methods of treatment do doctors offer? What is the blue print of stomatitis? This and the symptoms of stomatitis will be discussed in more detail.

blueness from stomatitis

Stomatitis and its symptoms

The name stomatitis came from the Greek language. Stoma means the mouth. Symptoms of this disease can be:

  • The mucous membrane is edematous, it is covered by a white or yellow coating;
  • white sores of different sizes are formed in the mouth;
  • body temperature - high, it is difficult to knock down drugs;
  • bleeding gums;
  • there is a pronounced unpleasant odor.

Weak, single manifestations of stomatitis can go by themselves, about a week. But it is better to see a doctor, especially if a small child is suffering.

Methods of treatment of stomatitis

Very often the doctor tells the patient what will helpblue of stomatitis. But what is this? Are we talking about the bluehead that grandmothers added to the white paint when whitewashing ceilings? Of course not. It's not a household blue, but methylene blue or iodine starch. This is a strong antiseptic, neutralizing pathogenic foci. Sinoma from stomatitis is not the only drug that helps fight the disease, but it is rightfully considered to be the most effective.

blue eyes with stomatitis in children

In addition to blue eyes, anesthetics can be prescribed for ulcers, rinses, or antibiotics (when the condition is neglected).

Features of medical blue

Methylene blue in stomatitis is already appliedmany years. It produces insoluble compounds with the protein of the pathogenic organism. This compound causes the death of harmful microflora, and the person recovers. There are no traces of sores in the mouth. Treatment of stomatitis with blue is also justified by the fact that the drug does not enter the bloodstream completely when it is applied to the mucous membrane. Means the liver and other internal organs do not suffer.

How to apply the drug to adults

As this disease riseshigh temperature, the doctor prescribes antipyretics. But this is not a treatment for stomatitis, but general safety measures for the body. But for treatment, a blue eye is prescribed for stomatitis. The instruction to which indicates that the adult patient must repeatedly treat the affected area of ​​the mucosa. Processing is carried out up to 15 times a day. Please note: the oral cavity is treated with a 1% aqueous solution. Do not confuse it with alcohol methylene blue.

blue of stomatitis instructions

It is applied from the stomatitis with a sterile cotton wool or cotton swab. Before application, it is necessary to gently blot out saliva with sterile material.

With repeated exposure to sores quicklydisappear, but for complete healing of the adult patient it is necessary to continue the treatment with soothing agents. It can be sea buckthorn, linseed oil or vitamin A oil solution.

How to use blue-tooth for small patients

Sincka with stomatitis in children is used differently than in adults. Let's start with the fact that babies can not so often treat sores. This is done 4 times a day, after a meal.

If stomatitis is caused by herpes, then the oral cavity can be treated up to 5 times. On mucous membranes, only an aqueous solution can be used.

treatment of stomatitis with blue eyes

For the treatment of infants, the blue of stomatitis is applied to the nipples of the nursing mother. So do not to injure the tender mucous baby with a bandage, tampon or cotton swab.

Medical experiment

In the middle of the twentieth century, in one of the medicalinstitutes of Russia an experiment was conducted. A group of 86 children from one and a half to ten years old was singled out. Children had severe signs of stomatitis. 56 people had aphthous form, 13 - ulcerative form, and in 17 patients stomatitis appeared as an allergy to taking medications.

The children were fully examined, the causative agents of stomatitis were established using laboratory tests. All of them underwent a course of local treatment with methylene blue, but in different forms.

The younger group, in which there were children from one and a halfyears, a spray based on starch iodide. The average group, from two years old, received treatment in the form of applications. Treatment was carried out daily, the first day in a medical facility, then at home.

The state of children in the acute stage of stomatitis withhigh fever and enlarged lymph nodes after treatment with methylene blue improved on the third day, and recovery occurred on day 6-7. Children with a mild stage of stomatitis were completely healthy after only three days.

In parallel, doctors observed a group of children who received treatment for stomatitis with antibiotics in the clinic. Recovery of babies occurred on 9-10 days.

methylene blue in stomatitis

The experiment proved that the treatment of stomatitisblue produces high results. "Aqueous solution of methylene blue" was recommended for prescription in children's polyclinics and hospitals. However, for some strange reason, this drug has not received a well-deserved popularity. Young parents prefer to treat stomatitis in children with newfangled means. And on inexpensive medicines from a youth of the mums look with mistrust. It also deprives the drug of popularity of the fact that it needs to be made in special pharmacies, and new drugs can be bought at any pharmacy. However, high-quality antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect in one bottle can only offer methyl blue, that is medical blue.

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