Stomatitis in infants: treatment and prevention
Stomatitis can occur in any child. Often moms think that this is their fault, and they did not look after the child somewhere. This is not true. Stomatitis is caused by fungi that are everywhere, even in the body of the infant, but they are activated only when the baby is weakened. If stomatitis occurs in infants, you should consult a doctor to determine the causes of the onset and begin treatment.
Causes of stomatitis
Stomatitis in infants can appear onfor several reasons. The first is weak immunity, is more common in premature babies. The organism is difficult to fight with the infection, antibiotics are used, which kill useful bacteria, so this disease can develop.
If you are breastfeeding, it can be a secondcause, causing stomatitis in infants, - the fungus can be entered with the mother's milk. In addition, frequent regurgitation, which creates an acidic environment in the baby's mouth, new food, the introduction of complementary foods, dirty toys, and non-compliance with hygiene rules, are frequent causes.
Course of the disease
The disease begins with the fact that the mucous membranesthe mouth turns red, and then it becomes dry and smooth. It causes discomfort to the baby, he begins to be capricious, refuses to eat. After some time, the tongue covers the curdled white coating. It's pretty easy to take off. Then all the oral cavity is covered with such a coating. Sometimes in the corners of the mouth may appear cracks. Such symptoms are manifested by stomatitis in children. Photos of children with stomatitis can be found in specialized medical publications.
If you find signs of stomatitis in your child,take the necessary measures for treatment. It is necessary to rinse or prinprintzavat affected areas with a solution of furatsilina. Ulcers on the mucosa should be lubricated with special antibacterial ointments. With their help, the pain will go away, and the wound will heal faster. During the disease, the child's body needs to be nourished with vitamins, otherwise the disease can return again.
Stomatitis in babies is very painful. He prevents eating and drinking to a child, so try to give the baby more herbal decoctions. They have soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Food in the period of illness should be neutral, preferably wiped, to save the baby from additional unpleasant sensations.
Prevention of stomatitis
Try to eliminate all possible causes,because of which the child became ill with stomatitis. Change your baby's clothes, towels and underwear more often. If stomatitis occurs in a baby who is breastfeeding, wash your breasts before each feeding, use a clean towel. To boil and wash you need all the nipples, bottles and pacifiers. Increase the immunity of the baby in the spring and winter.
All family members must observe personal hygiene. Be careful with hot dishes, burn mucous can also provoke stomatitis. Like many other diseases, stomatitis is easier to prevent than cure later. Therefore, carefully consider the health of the child, strengthen its immunity, carefully monitor the cleanliness of the hands and mouth.