Stomatitis: how to treat and how to diagnose correctly?
One of the most common diseasesoral cavity, especially among children, is stomatitis. Than to treat stomatitis, how it manifests itself, and what are the reasons for the development of such a disease - this information will be useful for every parent.
The causes of stomatitis. Stomatitis is a disease characterized byinflammation of the oral mucosa. First you need to understand what is the cause of this disease. Stomatitis is directly related to the ingestion of a viral, bacterial or fungal infection into the oral cavity. This explains the susceptibility of newborn children to this disease - their immunity has not yet been formed and the body can not protect itself from the effects of pathogens. In addition, stomatitis can occur after a mucosal injury, as well as as an allergic reaction.
Symptoms of stomatitis. There are many alarming symptoms,which signal the presence of stomatitis. The child becomes capricious, refuses to eat, does not sleep well, constantly cries. During the examination of the oral cavity, you can notice swelling on the gums, redness. Over time, the rash begins to appear on the mucous membrane of the mouth, the nature of which depends on the cause of the disease itself. For example, with stomatitis of fungal origin, more commonly known as thrush, whitish patches of plaque begin to form, under which sores appear over time. With herpetic stomatitis, the mucous membrane of the mouth becomes covered with a shallow, watery rash. Aphthous stomatitis causes the appearance of ulcers and wounds on the mucous membrane.
Stomatitis: than to treat? Be sure to seek medical advice -Pediatrician at the first suspicions of stomatitis. What to treat this disease knows only an experienced specialist. In order to understand how to cure stomatitis, you must first determine what is its cause, and to do it yourself is almost impossible. Depending on the pathogen, the doctor will prescribe a special gel that has an antiviral, antibacterial or antifungal effect. In addition, the sick child is prescribed and anesthetic ointment, which relieves soreness and alleviates the general condition of the child.
Than to treat stomatitis at home? Probably, all parents are asking this question. There are several simple recommendations that will help significantly speed up the recovery process.
The oral cavity of the child during treatment is necessaryto keep clean. Therefore, after each meal, you must rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile or ordinary boiled water. If the child is too young to do this yourself, then after a meal, give him two teaspoons of water.
How to treat stomatitis in adults? Although stomatitis is considered predominantly childishhe is, nevertheless, quite often diagnosed in the adult population. Treatment of stomatitis is a complex process and is aimed at destroying the pathogen. Correctly to determine the cause of stomatitis, and also to appoint the necessary medicine the doctor will help you.
During treatment it is necessary to followpower. Remember that you need to exclude from the diet all salty, acidic and spicy foods, since they only irritate the mucous membrane and intensify the pain even more. During treatment it is forbidden to smoke, drink alcoholic or carbonated drinks. The food should be liquid and warm.
Prevention of stomatitis. In fact, it is much easier to preventa stomatitis, than to treat it. There are several simple rules, following which you can protect yourself and the child. You just need to monitor the cleanliness of the mouth - regularly brush your teeth, rinse your mouth after each meal (especially for small children), and monitor the purity of those things that your child takes in his mouth. Well and, certainly, it is necessary to address in time to the doctor as absence of treatment, as a rule, has unpleasant consequences.