/ / What is stomatitis: causes, symptoms, prevention, treatment

What is stomatitis: causes, symptoms, prevention, treatment

What is stomatitis, especially well-known mother of young children. After all, children are most susceptible to this infectious and inflammatory disease.

The thing is that on the mucosa of the cavitymouth in infants very sensitive surface. It is very thin and therefore easily damaged and injured, even in healthy children. And if one of them has weakened immunity, then the probability of getting stomatitis increases at times. In this case, the source of the disease can be even a simple nipple. That's why doctors recommend modern nipples, shorter than 10 years ago. So the nipple will not contact the mucous and will save the child from the appearance of unpleasant sores.

Stomatitis is a disease that is relativelyeasy to recognize. The most famous of its kind is candidal stomatitis (simply thrush). At the kid the temperature sharply raises, at meal it cries or refuses to eat, the general or common status worsens. Then parents need to check the mucous in the mouth. In this case, special attention should be paid to the "hidden" zones - under the tongue and above the lips. If the parents have found brilliant redness, it means that the baby has a stomatitis, but it has only just begun. If you miss these redness, there is a touch of white, which then turns into ulcers, which interfere with the child is, and cause discomfort. The more neglected the situation, the more difficult it is to treat the disease. In addition, it can go on to chronic stomatitis, if not taken in time.

But the most common type of stomatitisis one that arises from the virus, - herpetic. It is transmitted at various contacts and by airborne droplets. Its signs are high fever, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting. The child can be capricious and sleep badly. On the mucous in the mouth appear small bubbles, from which, in turn, ulcers are formed. They are called aphtha, and stomatitis of this type is aphthous.

What is viral stomatitis, guess not so muchit is difficult - here the cause of everything is the virus. This type of disease often appears against the background of influenza, chickenpox, measles, tonsillitis, pneumonia, etc. This type of stomatitis is characterized by a thick crust on the lips with a yellowish tinge, difficulty in opening the mouth, and high fever.

There is still allergic stomatitis, in whichIt is difficult not only to chew food, but also to swallow air. At such stomatitis it is necessary to address urgently to the doctor and to search for a medicine for an allergy.

The most important thing is that when the first signs appeardiseases carefully examine the oral mucosa in the child, so it will probably avoid serious problems. After all, what is stomatitis? Imagine the constant itching and burning in the mouth, the difficulty with swallowing and chewing food ... Therefore, it is better to prevent the disease.

The main reasons for such an unpleasantdiseases in children - mucosal trauma, scratches, burns and dirty hands. Kids often taste the surrounding objects, and older children exchange toys or caramels. Therefore children and are ill more often. They do not know what a stomatitis is. Parents should often wash toys, wipe the floor and watch that the child does not pull something into the mouth from the street. But stomatitis is an insidious disease. Most children still get sick, despite the efforts of their parents. Therefore it is more important not to overlook the very beginning of the disease.

What measures should be taken

If your child has stomatitis, you should givehe has more fluids, and if it is hard for him to drink, then through a straw. Food should be brought into a puree-like appearance and monitor its temperature - it should be at room temperature. Sour-milk products are good for this period. But the sweets will have to be abandoned, since they contain a lot of carbohydrates, which can negatively affect the process of recovery. Food irritating mucous (acidic, salty), too, should be excluded from the diet.

And, of course, increase the immunity of the baby, let'sthe child has a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, take with him multivitamins. They will be useful to you, because stomatitis also happens in adults, albeit not so often.

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