/ / Learn how to treat stomatitis

We learn how to treat stomatitis

Stomatitis is a very uncomfortable oral diseasecavity. Do not treat it is unacceptable. The disease develops rapidly and spreads to healthy parts of the oral cavity. Foci of the disease cause severe pain. The patient can not eat, drink, even he can hardly talk. Any movement of the mouth causes pain. How to treat this ailment and where does it come from?

What is stomatitis?

How to treat stomatitis
Stomatitis manifests itself in the form of shallow white ulcersor grayish shade. At the edges of the ulcer there is a red inflamed rim. More often the foci of inflammation appear on the gums, under the tongue, cheeks, more rarely - deep in the throat. Before you tell us how to treat stomatitis, let's look at the reasons for its occurrence. There are not so many of them. Physicians believe that the disease appears in people with weakened immunity. And this is the main reason. Also, ulcers can occur as a result of mechanical damage to the mouth, getting into the mouth of the infection or after suffering severe infectious diseases that have been treated with antibiotics. In children, the disease is more common than in adults. Yes, and carry her little patients heavier. First, the smaller the child, the more difficult it is to find all the ulcerative foci, and then properly treat them. Babies usually protest against washing and coughing up sores. Secondly, small children are constantly pulling objects into their mouths, on which many germs are peacefully waiting for their high point. It is enough to prick the child with something sharp his gum, as you can with open arms to meet stomatitis. Than to treat? You can find medicines in any pharmacy. But do not rush to self-medicate. Especially if you first encounter this disease of the oral cavity. Be sure to consult with the dentist and find out how to handle the wound correctly.

Where is stomatitis treated?

Stomatitis than to treat medications
What is this illness, we have told a little. Let's figure out where and how to treat stomatitis. Treatment is carried out either at home or in a medical facility (all depends on the stage of the disease). If, for some reason, there is no possibility (or skill) to process the wound, you should go to the hospital. The stationary regime is shown if stomatitis is accompanied by high fever and convulsions, as well as an allergic reaction to the prescribed medication is revealed.

Than we are treated?

How much to treat stomatitis
Let's talk about how to treat stomatitis in the homeconditions. The doctor after examination and diagnosis of the disease will write you a prescription with medications. It can be healing and disinfecting ointments, solutions. Also, it is advisable to often treat the oral cavity with a solution of furacilin. If ulcerative foci are deep in the larynx, then rinses will help to be cured. The solution should be warm, at room temperature. Obviously, you have a question about how much to treat stomatitis. With proper therapy, ulcers disappear within two to five days. It is impossible to stop. Continue to process the oral cavity. After all, it only disappeared visible signs of the disease, and microbes can still remain in the body. Also it is necessary to visit the dentist after the treatment.

Folk remedies

Let's find out how to treat stomatitis with the help ofpopular methods. They say that honey helps. It should be thick and fresh. It is necessary to roll a tampon out of the bandage, dab it into honey and quickly lubricate the ulcer affected by the ulcer. It is better to do this procedure before going to bed. It is important that honey stay as long as possible on the wound. Also helps to heal soda sores. She burns the wounds with a cotton swab.

We Monitor Your Health

Know that if you are sick with stomatitis, then your immunity is weakened. Immediately after the recovery, start to restore it. You should also take bifido- and lactobacilli to adjust the digestive tract.

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