/ How the mitral valve works. Valapse prolapse and its symptoms

How the mitral valve works. Valapse prolapse and its symptoms

The mitral valve is located on the border betweenleft atrium and ventricle. At the time of contraction of the heart, he closes the hole and does not allow blood to enter the cavity. But sometimes the valves of the valve become unstable and flex into the atrium. This is a fairly common phenomenon, which is often found only when accidentally examined and called "mitral valve prolapse." The reasons for the formation of this pathology and its clinical manifestations will be discussed today.

mitral valve prolapse

Degrees of mitral valve prolapse

Depending on how much the mitral valve flexes, the prolapse there are three degrees (from the easiest - the first,up to a pronounced - the third). However, apart from the deflection of the leaflets, it is possible that they also diverged. Then a gap is formed between them, into which blood penetrates, and this, naturally, causes its reverse current (regurgitation).

The mitral valve: prolapse. Clinical manifestations

mitral valve causes prolapse
The reasons for the formation of this pathology can beboth congenital and acquired, developed against the background of other heart diseases. And despite the good quality of this condition, a large number of people with this pathology develop pulmonary hypertension, expressed in varying degrees.

  • In addition, patients often have low blood pressure.
  • There is also a predisposition of such patients to frequent colds and sore throats.
  • Dysplasia of connective tissue, manifestationwhich is mainly prolapse, can be expressed in parallel with it in the form of flat feet, tall, asthenic physique, violation of posture and poor development of the musculature.
  • Often, patients with PMC talk about periods of sadness, boredom, anguish or gloominess, which in the evening turn into irritability.

Symptoms manifested during prolapse

In spite of the fact that basically this pathologyis asymptomatic, half of patients with PMC are observed in the region of the heart of pain. They are both short-term and long-lasting (for several hours). By the way, these painful sensations are encountered both at rest and at the moment of emotional outburst, so it is often impossible to connect their occurrence with a provoking factor.

Poorly functioning mitral valve, prolapsewhich is considered, can also become a reason for feeling a lack of air, in which you want to take a deep breath. Not infrequently, and headaches, dizziness and even fainting.

prolapse of the mitral valve

Mitral valve prolapse: physical activity, allowed at the same time

It is very important for a patient with severe symptoms of PMC to be under the supervision of a cardiologist. With a doctor, a patient should solve the problem of normalizing his work and rest regime.

It is clear that the greater the load on the mitralvalve, the prolapse of which we are considering, the more the "valve ring" is stretched, the higher the threat of arrhythmias. Therefore, these patients need to relate the load to their condition.

  • In the absence of severe regurgitation of patientsshowing an active lifestyle and moderate physical activity. It is acceptable to do sports (skis, skates, swimming, cycling), but boxing and jumping, for example, are contraindicated.
  • In the case of severe pathology, sports are not recommended.
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