/ / Mitral valve prolapse: symptoms, causes, treatment. Are they taking with the prolapse of the mitral valve?

Mitral valve prolapse: symptoms, causes, treatment. Are they taking with the prolapse of the mitral valve?

Mitral valve prolapse... Many people have heard this phrase. However, only a few know what is behind the ailment behind this name. As a rule, these are doctors and patients who are faced with the disease. What does the phrase - prolapse of the mitral valve conceal in itself? Symptoms that indicate the presence of ailment, how are they manifested? Is the disease treated?

Anatomical features

To understand what constitutes aprolapse of the mitral valve, the symptoms characterizing the ailment should be addressed to the physiological structure. So, consider the structure of the heart. All people have a left ventricle and a left atrium with a mitral valve. In its structure there are two leaves. During the contractions of the heart, they unfold. Blood, saturated with oxygen, penetrates into the left ventricle. When the latter is reduced, the flow is sent to a large circle of circulation. Thus, all tissues are saturated with oxygen, as well as with nutrients.

mitral valve prolapse symptoms

The main function of the mitral valve isin the prevention of repeated repetition of blood into the atrium cavity from the ventricle. In a healthy state, he copes well with his work. Valve, distinguished by its strength and density, perfectly fits together.

And now consider the above pathology. By the way, the word "prolapse" in literal translation means "sagging". Thus, the essence of the ailment lies in the elongation of the mitral valve. Consequently, he is not able to close tightly. The work of the heart muscle is broken. Distinguish the prolapse of the mitral valve symptoms associated with the repeated transfer of blood from the ventricle back to the atrium. In medicine, this pathology is called regurgitation.

Causes of ailment

If we consider the ailment from the point of view of the sources that provoked the disease, then they distinguish:

  • congenital (non-dangerous);
  • acquired (developed as a result of other diseases).

In most cases, it was from birththe prolapse of the mitral valve flaps is diagnosed. The disease often proceeds favorably. Physicians attribute this pathology, rather, to the characteristics of the body than to ailments. The basis is an inherited disorder of the structure. In connection with this, weakened connective tissue. This pathology, as a rule, is passed on to the child by inheritance. As a result of tissue weakness, under strong blood pressure, weak valves do not close tightly. There is their protrusion. Particular symptomatology of this form of illness is no different. And most often does not need special treatment.

Much less prolapse of mitral valve flaps occurs as a result of heart disease.

As a rule, the ailment develops against the background:

  1. Rheumatism. This pathology is more common in children. Its occurrence is due to the inflammatory process of the connective tissue, which constitutes the valves and chords. The beginning of the disease is preceded by scarlet fever or sore throat. A week after 2 the baby has an attack of rheumatism. The child suffers pain, inflammation of large joints, their stiffness.
  2. Ischemia of the heart. As a rule, this source is associated with the elderly. Since the development of mitral valve prolapse is preceded by either cardiac ischemia or myocardial infarction. Poor blood supply, and sometimes chord rupture, cause weakness, dyspnea. The aforementioned symptomatology is accompanied by pain in the region of the heart. The examination reveals prolapse.
  3. Injury of the sternum. Various mechanical damage can provoke fractures of the chords. This pathology is characterized by a rather unfavorable course. This species especially needs timely treatment.

prolapse of the mitral valve of the 2nd degree

Depending on the cause of the prolapse of the mitral valve, the symptoms and treatment are significantly different. Therefore, it is advisable to consider each separately.

Symptoms of a congenital disease

Often in children, mitral valve prolapsevegetative vascular dystonia (VDD) is attached. Physicians claim that all the signs are simply "attributed" to such a disease as the prolapse of the mitral valve. Symptoms in children cause it VSD.

Consider these:

  1. Periodically arising pain in the region of the heart. This symptomatology is of a functional nature. It is not a sign of malfunctioning of the heart. The pain is caused by the disorder of the functioning of the nervous system. The emergence of this symptom is preceded by emotional stress, stress. Sometimes they can arise even in a state of complete rest. Pain can vary in its manifestation. From a light tingling to a constant noisy shape. Discomfort can last a few seconds or stretch for several days. It is important to remember that the painful sensation in the heart region, provoked by the prolapse of the mitral valve, never increases with physical exertion. He is not accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting. If you observe this symptomatology against the background of heart pain, you should definitely consult a doctor. It can go about serious ailments.
  2. Cardiopalmus. These seizures can alternate with a sharp "fading" of the main "motor" of the body. This symptom is also explained as a violation in the nervous system. Here we are talking about increased activity. There are seizures quite suddenly and just the same. The main thing is to remember that with our ailment they do not combine with losses of consciousness, dizziness.
  3. Fainting. Practically this symptomatology does not occur. It is rarely associated with prolapse. As a rule, they can cause stuffy indoors or emotions (fear). They pass easily and quickly. Enough is the influx of fresh air or light pats.

prolapse of mitral valve flaps

Is an innate disease dangerous?

The severity of the disease can be assessed only byan experienced specialist on the basis of diagnosis, medical history. For children conscripted for military service, the question of whether or not prolapse of the mitral valve is dangerous is relevant. The army will call the boys with this disease into their ranks or not?

Unfortunately, there is no definite answer. It is necessary to consider the symptomatology caused by the disease. If the disease does not have pronounced signs, does not need special treatment, then, as previously noted, this pathology is attributed to the characteristics of the body.

Another common alarm appears in theperiod of pregnancy. And is not this prolapse of the mitral valve dangerous? Symptoms in women almost never lead to complications. However, if a pregnant woman is diagnosed with a congenital ailment, a supervising doctor must be informed about this. As a rule, the gynecologist directs the patient to an additional examination to the cardiologist.

Symptoms of acquired ailment

A number of disorders of the heart, as was previouslymay lead to the development of the disease. If the transferred angina, scarlet fever has become a source that provoked mitral valve prolapse, the symptoms in adolescents and children will be as follows:

  • increased fatigue;
  • passivity, refusal of any active activity;
  • weakness;
  • occurrence of dyspnoea after physical exertion;
  • dizziness;
  • increased heart rate.

If the disease is diagnosed in a person of age who has angina or ischemia of the heart, then the symptomatology is as follows:

  • attacks of severe pain in the region of the heart (taking nitroglycerin eliminates an unpleasant sensation);
  • dyspnea, which occurs even with low physical exertion;
  • "Failure" of the heart, the periodic "fading" of the body.

mitral valve prolapse

The most rare case is the development of ailment as a result of a sternum injury. In this case, the disease acquires the following symptoms:

  • increased heart rate, "interruptions" in work;
  • state of weakness;
  • shortness of breath after any load, sometimes even at rest;
  • the appearance of a cough with a foamy sputum pink color.

When the last symptom occurs, the patientimmediately call an ambulance. It is the occurrence of an unpleasant cough and sputum - the most serious, if we talk about the resulting prolapse of mitral valve prolapse, symptoms. Is it possible to die from ailment? Unfortunately, with this symptomatology, any delay can result in death.

Degrees of disease

In most cases, a congenital ailment is detectedwith an ultrasound of the heart. And often, quite by accident. Because the symptoms of patients do not torment at all. Ultrasound is the most effective way of examining for a given ailment. After all, along with the confirmation of the diagnosis, such a study determines the degree of the disease. In addition, ultrasound gives information about regurgitation.

In medicine, the following categories of ailment are distinguished:

  • 1 degree. This form is characterized by a slight swelling of valve flaps. The magnitude of this pathology varies up to 5 mm.
  • Mitral valve prolapse 2 degrees. With this form, a much larger swelling is diagnosed. This species is characterized by a value of up to 9 mm.
  • Ailment of the third degree. More severe form. With it, the bulging is marked from 10 mm or more.

However, this division does not reflect at allregurgitation. Therefore, this classification is not very in demand in modern diagnostics. A more important indicator is the degree of failure of the valve. It characterizes the volume of blood that, as a result of incomplete closure, gets back into the atrial cavity. This indicator clearly shows ultrasound.

Types of disease

A single method of classification of this disease in medicine does not exist. There are several divisions.

prolapse of the anterior mitral valve leaf

At the point of protrusion (prolapse) of the valves there is the following division:

  • Prolapse of the anterior valve leaf. This pathology is considered the most common, as it is diagnosed in most cases.
  • Back posterior protrusion. This species is extremely rare.
  • Prolabirovanie both valves.

Disease and Sports

Is this physicalload? It should be remembered that the heart is a muscle. That is why, moderate loads are useful if the patient does not have pronounced symptoms characterizing the prolapse of the mitral valve, the symptoms. Sport is recommended as follows: jogging, walking, swimming, cycling.

It should be remembered that any pathology of the heart increases the chance of arrhythmia.

Military service

Military service is considered to be compatible withsuch an ailment as mitral valve prolapse. The army will call such patients into its ranks. However, not all. There are certain exceptions. If the patient is diagnosed with a prolapse of a mitral valve of the 2nd degree with regurgitation of the 2nd stage, this is a sufficient reason for the inductee to be recognized as unfit for service.

The army order also contains an article on"Rheumatism". In this case, we are not talking about the disease itself, but about the consequences provoked by it. By the way, some of them may be completely unrelated to prolapse. Sometimes they are an independent state.

It is very important to understand that the degree of prolapse is notsound in the order. Only the functional state is mentioned. However, a draftee who is diagnosed with a grade 2 mitral valve prolapse, with impaired conduction, arrhythmia may be unsuitable for service.

Treatment of congenital disease

Since they are practically not detected, ifdiagnosed congenital mitral valve prolapse, symptoms, treatment, respectively, is not assigned. In case of detection of disturbing signs, such as insomnia, headaches, reception of a sedative is recommended. As a rule, the drug "Novo-Passit", valerian is prescribed. Such funds, created on grasses, perfectly normalize the activity of the nervous system. Thus, they help to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

mitral valve prolapse symptoms in women

Often recommended to receive funds "Magnesium B6", "Magnerot." Such drugs affect the body soothingly. Therefore, the effect of their reception is the same as described above.

More serious treatment requires disease,accompanied by strong changes in the work of the heart. The patient may experience weakness, shortness of breath, bouts of pain. As a rule, in such a case, an ultrasound scan confirms the pathology, revealing significant regurgitation. The cardiologist introduces drugs into the treatment, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the rhythm of the heart. However, it is important to understand that only a doctor is able to choose the right therapy, based on the individual characteristics of the disease.

Treatment of acquired disease

Tactics to combat the disease depends on a varietyfactors. For the effectiveness of the treatment, the extent of the disease is taken into account, the prolapse of the anterior mitral valve, the back or both is diagnosed. Another important indicator for the selection of complex therapy is the volume of regurgitation.

Treatment of non-congenital forms of prolapse depends on the source that provoked the disease. If the cause of the disease is scarlet fever or sore throat, the patient is prescribed antibiotics.

An illness that has occurred on the background of ischemia needs a slightly different approach. In this case, a treatment is selected that is able to normalize the blood supply to the heart and lower blood pressure.

If prolapse is diagnosed after injurymitral valve, heart surgery - often the only way out. As soon as the patient's condition is normalized with the help of drug treatment, surgical intervention is recommended. The operation allows to restore the normal operation of the valve.

Prophylaxis of ailment

It is very important to start protecting your body from childhood.from unpleasant consequences. Regardless of how pronounced the symptoms of mitral valve prolapse are in the diagnosis, prevention is based on therapeutic procedures and moderate physical exertion.

It is very important to treat all diseases in time. It should protect the body from chronic foci of infection. This applies to carious teeth, tonsillitis. If indicated, removal of the tonsils may be recommended. It is equally important to avoid or treat colds in time.

Teens and children are required to be registered with a doctor. They are regularly advised to undergo a medical examination.

mitral valve prolapse symptoms treatment

When complying with these measures, patients are completelydo not worry about the symptoms characterizing mitral valve prolapse. Reviews of people who have been diagnosed with the disease, can see this. As a rule, unpleasant discomfort causes IRR. A prolapse does not interfere with normal life.


It is extremely rare in the body to have seriouscomplications that provoked mitral valve prolapse. Symptoms of the disease in most cases are completely absent. But nevertheless, you should not forget about it. The best way to protect the body from unpleasant consequences is a healthy lifestyle.

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