/ / Medication "Escuzan". Instructions

Medication "Escuzan". Instructions

The medical preparation "Escuzan" is a drug containing vitamin B1 (thiamine) and an extract obtained from the fruits of horse chestnut. This tool has a fairly large list of useful properties.

Medication "Escuzan", the instruction to whichacquaints us with the positive effects of this drug, is able to have antioxidant and antiexudative, decongestant and venotonic, as well as capillaroprotective effect. The main component of horse chestnut is a substance that is part of the group of triterpene glycosides - escin. It is this component that stimulates the production of hormones by the adrenal cortex and increases the amount of prostaglandins in the walls of the vessels. As a result of these processes, there is a venotonic and capillaroprotective effect.

Eszin normalizes the process of contraction of smoothmuscles located in the walls of the vessels, resulting in a decrease in their fragility, increased metabolic processes in the tissues, and improvement in the condition of the capillaries. The ability of this active substance to reduce the activity of lysosomal enzymes and block the cleavage of mucopolysaccharides also favored the manifestation of capillaroprotective properties.

Medication "Escuzan", the instruction to whichdescribes the main medicinal effects of the drug, is able to improve the conductivity of impulses of the vascular walls and reduce venous congestion. This property affects the increase in the lumens in the valves of the veins. Its anti-edematous effect is due to the effect of escin, aimed at reducing the permeability of the plasmolymphatic barrier and reducing the outflow of lymph.

The drug has the ability to reducethe number of electrolytes, water and low molecular structure compounds that have the ability to enter the space between cells. The antiexsudative effect of the "Escuzan" drug is based on its ability to enhance the processes of synthesis and release of prostaglandin.

The sterol compounds contained in the horsechestnut, reduce the severity of the expression of inflammatory processes. In addition, the drug is able to affect the foci of this pathology by reducing the migration of leukocytes and the permeability of the walls of blood vessels. The use of the drug "Escuzan", the instruction to which indicates the area of ​​its use, can reduce the likelihood of blood clots, as well as atherosclerotic plaques. The drug is recommended for various diseases:

swellings of the feet;

muscle spasms, mainly calf;

-venous insufficiency;

-boles and heaviness in the legs, which are a consequence of violations of venous blood flow;

-Vascular "stars";

-Increased veins;

-postromboflebiticheskom syndrome;

hematomas on the legs;

-trophic pathologies, including ulcerous formations on the limbs;

-inflammation and inflammation in soft tissues;


Medicinal product "Escuzan", instruction forwhich gives advice on the method of administration, can be administered both in the form of tablets and a solution. The course and form of taking the drug is determined by the doctor. The medicine "Escuzan", a drop of a solution of which is recommended to dissolve or wash down with water, is prescribed before the start of food intake. Pre-vial with the drug is shaken. The reception of tablets is made after meals.

The drug "Escuzan" can cause irritationmucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Sometimes undesirable effects of its use are the feeling of heat and nausea, as well as allergic reactions, expressed in the form of urticaria, itching and rash on the skin. There is a possibility of an antieuurotic edema and, in rare cases, anaphylactic shock.

The drug "Escuzan" for children under the age of twelveyears is not appointed, since its impact on this age category of patients has not been sufficiently studied. This drug is contraindicated in patients with renal insufficiency, as well as women in the first trimester of pregnancy and lactating mothers.

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