Spine: treatment and causes
Spitz, the treatment and reasons for which we will consider,is one of the varieties of warts. What is a wart? In fact, this is a fairly innocuous disease that causes more mental discomfort than physical. It is unpleasant when warts appear on the face or visible parts of the body. They can spoil the appearance very much.
Physical discomfort occurs whenthe wart appears in a place that is constantly exposed to pressure. As an example, you can call a stop. By her fault when walking, a person may experience severe discomfort and even pain. From constant pressure, warts grow and begin to cause more and more discomfort.
Human papillomaviruses are the main causesappearance of warts. These viruses are different, which means that warts are also different. The causative agent can be transmitted by contact with a sick person, through household items and so on. The incubation period can reach several months. Most of these viruses are susceptible to people with weakened immunity.
What is the heather
Treatment and the causes of appearance are not specific forsimilar sores. So people call the plantar wart. Spines, the treatment of which can be carried out both folk and modern means, are mainly located on the heel or under the big toe. With such a wart, walking is always very painful. Unfortunately, the treatment of the spine in most cases is difficult.
It appears most often in those whose skin is onlegs suffered from the long wearing of uncomfortable shoes. Externally, the spike has many similarities to corn, but it does not only consist of horny mass - it also includes filiform papillary growths. They are surrounded by a roller, consisting of overgrown horn cells.
A person can have deep forms of a spinule. As a rule, they have craterlike depressions, located exactly in the middle. If you remove the central part of the spike, the papillary surface remains. It will soon be a new wart. It is for this reason that it is so difficult to get rid of the spiken.
In some cases, several sores appear in the same place at once. It is possible that over time they will merge into one big one.
Most often it occurs in those whose feetconstantly and strongly sweat. At risk, and those who do not follow the simplest rules of foot hygiene. Dirt contributes to the emergence of new warts and the development of old ones.
It is not difficult to diagnose the plantar wart. However, in some cases it is still recommended to confirm the disease by passing the appropriate tests. Note that sometimes skin tests are also done to determine if a wart does not turn into a malignant tumor.
Spitz: treatment
Treatment should be performed by a dermatologist orsurgeon. In order to remove the plantar wart, various means are used. In the case of multiple manifestations, they try to find the main wart - to remove it, then all the others will most likely disappear.
Novocaine is used for treatment. Its solution is injected under the skin around the spinule. Antiviral drugs may also be used. In some cases, only surgical intervention will be effective.
Surgical removal can be carried out in various ways. Basic: freezing, laser removal, electrocoagulation. Sometimes they are simply cut with a sterile scalpel.
Spiny, the treatment of which can take time, notshould be conducted independently. The fact is that there are many tools that seem simple and affordable. They are effective for removal, but do not guarantee that the wart will not reappear. As a result of self-removal, an infection can develop.