Spiny - treatment with folk remedies
A spine is a wart that is located on the sole of the foot, usually under the thumb or on the heel. It is the cause of pain and a lot of inconvenience.
In most cases, the spine appears in humans,suffering from excessive sweating of the feet (everyone knows that a moist environment promotes the multiplication of bacteria). In addition, the cause of this disease can be tight and uncomfortable shoes. By its appearance, the forceps is very clearly reminiscent of corn, with the difference that along with horny growths there are papillary growths surrounded by horny cells. In some cases, plantar warts in children have depressions that resemble a crater. When removing the central part of this wart, a new spinule may appear. It is precisely for this reason that the treatment of this disease is rather difficult.
When you merge several warts you need to drawtheir attention to the largest among them. Such a spike on the foot is called maternal. It is necessary to start treatment of the disease with it - when it is removed, the remaining warts will disappear by themselves.
The danger of the spine is that it can degenerate into a new malignant entity.
Spiny - treatment with folk remedies. Method one.
It will take a small amount of fresh cement(the matchbox is enough). It is necessary to steam up the leg and, when the "roots" become clearly visible (as a rule, they have a red or black color), slightly gnaw the finger and gently rub a bit of cement into the log. Wait until the first layer dries and repeat the entire procedure two to three times. The course of treatment should be carried out until the wart disappears completely.
Spiny - treatment with folk remedies. Method two.
This procedure is desirable in the evening, beforesleep. It takes a lot of steam. Grate on a small grater horseradish, put on top of the wart and wrap it with cellophane tape (for the juice to stay as long as possible). Next, you have to bandage your foot, put on a sock, and then you can go to bed. This procedure should be repeated every evening, until the spiny disappears completely.
Spiny - treatment with folk remedies. Way the third.
This method of treating the spine can only be appliedin the spring, as for its use it will be necessary to stock up with young nettles. It is necessary to take and crush (so that it does not burn) a small amount of nettle, then apply the resulting gruel to the sole of the legs. Then wrap the burdock on top. Wear a warm woolen toe and leave it overnight. Painful sensations with this method of treatment are not observed, and the keratinized skin exfoliates the next morning.
Spiny - treatment with folk remedies. The fourth method.
Grate a couple of medium-sized potatoes orone large. Take a piece of cotton wool, put on it two teaspoons of potato slurry, then bandage to the inflamed patch. Repeat this procedure every day - early in the morning and at bedtime. The disease completely disappears in about two weeks.
Spiny - treatment with folk remedies. The fifth method.
Help in the treatment of this unpleasant diseasecan pinnate calanchoe. To do this, it is necessary to carefully knead the leg with the inflamed area, wipe it dry, then apply a small flower to the site of the inflammation. The plant, by the way, needs to be beaten slightly so that the juice comes out. Seal with adhesive tape and leave for a few hours.
Spitz - treatment of folk remedies. The sixth way.
It helps very well with this disease.pickle taken from canned tomatoes and cucumbers. You just need to moisten any socks in this solution, put it on your feet, wrap cellophane film on top and put on another pair of socks. By evening, the condition of the inflamed area becomes noticeably better.