/ Noise in the ear. Causes and treatment problems

Noise in the ear. Causes and treatment problems

noise in the ear causes and treatment
Noise in the ears is often a symptom, not aany disease. In medicine, it is called tinnitus. You can hear not only the noise in its original meaning, but also hissing or hissing sounds, hum or clicks in the ears. You can also notice that in this case your ear began to react differently to the usual sounds - the hearing became unnecessarily sensitive or, conversely, decreased. The noise in the ear, the causes and treatment of which we now describe, may in some cases be accompanied by a painful symptom or a perverse reaction to light. The nature of this auditory sensation is also different, and we will analyze this aspect.

Pulsating noise in the ears: cause

If you feel a ripple of noise in your ear,this is a dangerous symptom, talking about vascular disorders. As a rule, he repeats his rhythmic beats of the pulse. Such condition to the experienced neuropathologist will report possible complications in the patient's body: aneurysm or malformation. Malformation is the pathology of the vessels in the brain; aneurysm - deformation of the vessel, thinning and changing the shape of its wall. Both situations require serious medical examinations, since there is a threat of rupture of the cerebral vessels. For this reason, it is necessary to consult a doctor after discovering a suspicion of vascular noise in the ear, the reasons and treatment of it require medical intervention. The patient is assigned in this case MRI and angiography.

What else can be caused by noise in the ear?

why is the noise in the ears
But non-hazardous ENT diseases canaccompanied by noise in the ears. Inflammation of the tympanic membrane, otitis, eustachiitis have a similar unusual feeling in the list of symptoms. There is one more unpleasant situation - neuritis of the auditory nerve. It can also have a vascular character, if there is an ischemia of this nerve. In this case, the otolaryngologist should be consulted to the doctor as soon as possible, since the inflammation of the nerve proceeds fairly quickly and, if left untreated, leads to deafness. But the most common noise in the ear, the causes and treatment of which is not dangerous, is a muscle noise, as doctors call it. It is caused by the vibration of a small muscle that connects the stapes and the anvil. In order to find out why the noise in the ears is caused by the movement of the muscle, push the lower jaw forward. If the reason is this, then the feeling of sound will first increase, and after 20-30 seconds it will disappear completely. Noise of this nature can be caused by frequent listening to music through the headphones at maximum volume, non-compliance with hygiene (the presence of sulfur plugs).

Summing up

throbbing noise in the ears of the cause
Even this insignificant at first glance symptom- the noise in the ear, the reasons and treatment of which we have outlined to you, - requires attention and treatment to the doctor. Will help you to understand the reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant sensation ENT doctor or neurologist. He will give you a checkup, write out the necessary medications or carry out the required procedures. Self-medication can lead to hearing loss or complete loss of hearing, severe dysfunction, so it is not recommended for this problem to be treated on its own.

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