/ / Abscess of the tooth: symptoms, causes and treatment. Abscess after removal of wisdom tooth

Abscess of the tooth: symptoms, causes and treatment. Abscess after removal of wisdom tooth

Suppuration in the gum area, accompanied bypulsating pain, is a symptom of a serious disease - a tooth abscess. Its focus is usually localized in the root part. In the absence of timely treatment, the pathological process can spread to neighboring areas, including bone tissue. Since the disease has an infectious nature, its complication is dangerous for human life.

tooth abscess

Causes of pathology

Abscess of the tooth often develops in the backgrounduntreated dental diseases. These include gingivitis, pulpitis, caries. Among other causes of this disease, doctors note the following:

  • mechanical injuries;
  • infections transmitted by the bloodstream;
  • damage to the oral mucosa;
  • furuncles;
  • infection during injection.

The listed factors can be the reasonviolation of the integrity of tooth enamel and tissues. As a result, the pathogenic microflora gets access to the pulp, an inflammatory process occurs. It is accompanied by severe pain. When the pulp dies, the discomfort goes away. If not, the abscess of the tooth develops, destroying new tissues and spreading far beyond its limits.

Symptoms of the disease

In the role of the main sign of the onset of pathologicalof the process is aching pain. It increases when you press the tooth. After a while the gum around it swells, a small seal is formed. The patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating. Lymph nodes increase, the temperature rises, appetite decreases. A bitter taste and a characteristic putrefactive smell appear in the mouth.

Abscess can open spontaneously, withoutdoctors. At the same time the painful syndrome disappears, the swelling decreases. Spontaneous dissection of the abscess is dangerous for human health. In this case, the probability of new exacerbations of the pathological process increases.

tooth abscess symptoms

Varieties of tooth abscess

When classifying a disease,the localization of the infectious focus and the nature of the inflammatory process. Therefore, we can identify two types of ailment: periapical and periodontal tooth abscess. Symptoms of each form of the disease are presented below.

Periapical abscess is accompanied by the spread of infection tosoft tissues. In this pathological process, the pulp is damaged through the alveolar bone. Contact with a damaged area of ​​cold or hot food causes a strong pain resembling a current discharge.

Periodontal abscess characterized by dull pain, purulent secretions. When you press on the affected tooth, discomfort increases. The inflammatory process is usually accompanied by malaise. Patients complain of a fever, a strong chill and an unpleasant odor from the mouth. If you open the abscess before the infection enters the pulp, the tooth can be saved.

symptoms of abscess after tooth extraction

Abscess after removal of wisdom tooth

The disease can affect absolutely anya jaw site, but most often it suffers from chewing and wisdom teeth. The latter are destroyed very quickly. In this case, the development of the disease is preceded by tooth decay and lack of oral hygiene. The wisdom tooth begins to gradually break down, the doctor decides to remove it. After surgery, an abscess of purulent etiology may begin in the injured areas of the oral cavity. Unextinguished wound is a favorable environment for the life of bacteria. Therefore, in its place is quickly formed suppuration. In the absence of timely treatment, it extends to neighboring tissues.

Symptoms of abscess after tooth extractioncan disturb both day and night. Usually patients complain of painful discomfort and fever. The main cause of the development of the disease is the negligent attitude of the patient to the doctor's recommendations. If you start the pathological process, even potent antibiotics will not help. Treatment of an abscess after removal of a tooth of wisdom consists of two stages. Initially, the doctor must open the suppuration and clean the cavity of the secret. Then the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory therapy.

Treatment of abscess with antibiotics

After the diagnosis is made, the patient is assignedantibiotic therapy. Its main purpose is getting rid of the infection. Also, such therapy is aimed at preserving the natural tooth and preventing complications. What medicines are used in the treatment of tooth abscess?

  1. "Amoxicillin." The drug is intended for the treatment of bacterial infections. The medicine does not kill the pathogenic microflora, but stops its reproduction.
  2. "Metronidazole." This tool is used to treat infectious processes caused by anaerobic bacteria.
  3. "Clindamycin". The drug is prescribed to patients with an allergy to the antibiotics of the penicillin group. It prevents the growth of bacteria, thereby eliminating the infection.
  4. "Penicillin". This medication is most often prescribed to patients with a diagnosis of tooth abscess. Antibiotics of a similar pharmacological effect are used in conjunction with beta-lactamase inhibitors.

The above medicines should beTake only as directed by the doctor. If their use is unjustified, the infection begins to spread rapidly. To save a tooth is very problematic. Therefore, patients have to resort to surgery.

tooth abscess antibiotics

Tooth extraction after abscess

Surgical intervention in the first placeis aimed at removing the focus of inflammation. For this, a drainage procedure is appointed, after which a filling or crown restoration is performed. The essence of drainage is that through the reamed tooth the dentist cleans the formed pus and disinfects the cavity with a special solution. Running cases can often not be cured with this procedure. Therefore, therapy begins with the removal of the tooth, after which the drainage is carried out through the alveolus.

If pus is so much that it can not beclean at a time, a small incision is made in the damaged area and drainage is established. Through it, the contents of the inflammation gradually come out. For better wound healing, patients are prescribed a course of physiotherapy or rinsing.

treatment of abscess after tooth extraction

Possible complications

Like any other infectious ailments, an abscessthe tooth can give unpleasant complications. If the patient ignores the symptoms and does not seek help from a doctor, the root of the affected molar begins to gradually die off. Discomfort and pain can subside, but pathogenic microorganisms continue to develop, spreading to adjacent tissues and jawbone. Infection, along with blood flow, quickly spreads through the body, provoking complications from important systems of internal organs. The most dangerous consequence is an abscess of the brain and meningitis.

 abscess after removal of wisdom tooth

Measures to prevent disease

Abscess of the tooth often develops in the backgrounduntreated caries. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to treat dental pathologies in a timely manner, and regularly visit a dentist for their detection. On the other hand, no one abolished the basic rules for oral care. Dentists recommend twice a day to brush their teeth, use a special rinse. To avoid entering the infection into the oral cavity after therapy, you should only go to a certified medical facility. Be healthy!

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