/ First signs of high blood pressure. Signs of high intracranial pressure

The first signs of high blood pressure. Signs of high intracranial pressure

Every tenth person in the world in one or anotherthe degree suffers from increased pressure. But, despite this prevalence, this disease, unfortunately, is not sufficiently studied. For example, regardless of the fact that the main causes of the appearance of pathology are known, physicians still can not predict whether this syndrome will arise in a particular person or not.

And therefore, not to miss the beginning of the aforementionedyou need to know well the signs of high blood pressure leading to hypertension, as this will help you start treatment on time and prevent the development of severe forms of the disease.

signs of high blood pressure in women

What pressure can be considered normal at different ages

As you know, the figures showing blood pressure,two. The upper, systolic pressure demonstrates the strength of the contractions of the heart, and the lower, diastolic pressure - the tone of the vessels during the relaxation of the heart muscle. The norm for people under 40 is the pressure 120 for 80 or 130 for 85 mm of mercury. But also any small fluctuations in one direction or another are not an excuse to define them as signs of high pressure (or low). After all, for each person these figures are individual.

The pressure in the arteries can respond by increasing or decreasing to weather change (more precisely, to differences in atmospheric pressure), stress, anxiety, physical activity, etc.

With age, the parameters of the tonometer also change. If a person after 40 years of normal performance can grow up to 145 by 90, then in the elderly, after 60 - this is 150 for 90 mm p. from. By the way, the increase in pressure with age is observed even in hypotensive patients.

To conclude that there is hypertension,should be guided by a single precedent. Pressure should be measured repeatedly for several days, and only from the results of these observations can one assume the disease.

high-pressure signs

How does beginning hypertension

If, together with the continually arising disturbingyou have symptoms of the blood pressure and the symptoms that will now be listed, you should consult a doctor for help, since hypertension is the impetus for the development of cardiac or renal insufficiency, cerebral circulation, heart attack and other dangerous pathologies.

Signs of high blood pressure (hypertension):

  • periodically arising headaches, disturbing, as a rule, in first half of day;
  • nausea, tinnitus, dizziness;
  • increased fatigue and irritability;
  • development of insomnia;
  • a strong palpitation;
  • the appearance of a feeling of pulsation in the temples;
  • red face, a person at this time can throw in sweat or, conversely, shiver;
  • there is swelling, puffiness of the face, caused by fluid retention in the body;
  • on the skin periodically there are feelings of numbness or "crawling crawl."

How does the increased pressure in the initial stage

At the initial stage, the disease can developquietly and slowly, for many years. It is defined in medicine as symptomatic arterial hypertension. And the main danger of this condition is that in most cases the pressure that has been raised, unfortunately, is not felt at all.

Quite often, as signs of high blood pressure,the person is disturbed by sleep. The patient falls asleep with difficulty, for a long time experiencing all that happened during the day. But the dream becomes sensitive, continually interrupting, after which the person wakes up broken and languid.

At this stage in the development of the disease,there are headaches that most often appear at night or in the morning. With physical or emotional stress, they usually increase. In addition, in the frontal and temporal parts of the head, as a rule, there is a heaviness, and in the crown of the head - pulsation.

signs of high blood pressure in men

Which signs of high pressure are the most dangerous

From the very beginning of the development of pathology, very dangerous symptoms for the human condition begin to appear (they will be given special attention here).

Particularly serious should be taken to the well-knownall headaches, which appear at high pressure. It is vascular in nature, as it is caused by stretching the walls of blood vessels. And especially dangerous in this situation is that at any moment there may be a rupture of one of them, leading to a stroke.

This is usually signaled by pain - acute andpulsating, which may be a harbinger of the fact that the vessel is ready to burst, and the blood from it can get on the brain tissue and disrupt their functioning. By the way, this condition in medicine is defined as a hemorrhagic stroke.

With the spasm of blood vessels, blood supply to some parts of the brain is disturbed, which causes their death. This pathology is diagnosed as an ischemic stroke.

Therefore, in order not to allow a stroke, do not ignore the headache against a background of high blood pressure, trying only to damp it with anesthetic pills.

What are the signs of high blood pressure

Symptoms of hypertensive crisis

But the main precursor of the critical statevessels a hypertensive crisis. Its main symptoms, as a rule, are nausea, vomiting, dizziness and aching pain in the heart, which can not remove nitroglycerin. They are often joined by:

  • state of nervous excitement;
  • increased heart rate;
  • feelings of anxiety, anxiety and lack of air;
  • the body is covered with cold sweat and goosebumps.

The patient blushes with his face, hands tremble,there may also be problems with vision. This condition requires compulsory medical care. Do not try to eliminate the crisis yourself - this can lead to serious consequences!

And in general, despite the fact that the patient has,as it seems to him, obvious signs of low and high blood pressure, he must regularly monitor it with a tonometer and visit a doctor on time to prevent a critical condition and not risk his life.

How high intracranial pressure is manifested

With hypertension, they like to associate and increase intracranial pressure. But we must immediately note that there is practically no connection between them. These are two separately existing diseases.

signs of high intracranial pressure

And if hypertension is independentillness, the increase in intracranial pressure, as a rule, is a symptom of some pathology. It is usually provoked by trauma to the skull, tumors, encephalomeningitis, intracranial hemorrhages, and the like.

As a result of these pathologies, there is an increase in the volume of fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) in the cranial cavity, which can disrupt cerebral circulation and, consequently, brain function.

The main signs of high intracranialpressure is a headache that is aggravated by turning the head, as well as coughing or sneezing, nausea, dizziness, sweating, and the appearance of papilloedema. The latter symptom is a bilateral edema of the optic nerve disc, which leads first to a violation of color perception, and then to a deterioration of vision in the patient.

With suspicion of increased intracranial pressure, doctors should be consulted, since this diagnosis is usually followed by another pathology, the elimination of which and normalizes the pressure.

Why there is hypertension in pregnant women

Separately it is necessary to consider the increase in pressure in pregnant women, which recently becomes a serious problem in bearing a fetus.

With the development of medicine, women giving birth for the first timein 30, and even in 40 years, do not surprise anyone. And since hypertension begins to develop, as mentioned, to about 40 years, then future mothers who have signs of high blood pressure during pregnancy are also not uncommon.

But even those women who had no problems with pressure before pregnancy, it can rise after 20 weeks of bearing the fetus. Such a pathology is defined as gestational hypertension.

signs of high blood pressure in pregnancy

High blood pressure in pregnant women

By the way, many pregnant women do not eventhey suspect that they have increased pressure, since they do not observe any alarming signs. Therefore, at each examination, the future mother must measure it, because this pathology can lead to a violation of blood circulation in the placenta and, consequently, to the birth of a small and sick child.

But in most pregnant women, the signs of high blood pressure manifest themselves clearly: in the form of severe headaches, visual disturbances, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and a decrease in urine output.

Doctors during the examination may inquire about the presence of these symptoms in order to determine what the degree of hypertension is, and to establish the causes of its occurrence for maximum treatment effectiveness.

Are there any signs of high blood pressure in women and men?

Hypertension, as already mentioned, is still notstudied to the end. For example, the researchers found that the development and appearance of certain symptoms of increased pressure depend not only on the state of health of a particular person, but also on his age and gender.

So, young ladies under 40 are not at all inclined tohypertension, and men can be beaten by her at any age. But women in the menopause take away this dubious "palm tree" from the stronger sex, because at the age of fifty and older they become hypertensive people much more often. And for men, this disease often has a lethal outcome.

Signs of high blood pressure in men and women are similar, but the women have a tendency to more hypertensive crises during the course of the disease (the ratio is about 1/6).

signs of high blood pressure in humans

A few tips in conclusion

Probably, you already understood that increasing pressure -this is a serious symptom, which, once appeared, can become a companion for life. In order to reduce the risk of dangerous consequences of hypertension, a person should adhere to certain rules:

  • regular monitoring of blood pressure;
  • strict adherence to the recommendations given by the specialist;
  • reduction in the intake of salt and beverages containing caffeine;
  • refusal from alcohol and smoking;
  • struggle against excess weight;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • adequate physical activity.

All of the above will allow a patient with hypertension to reduce the signs of high blood pressure to a minimum and feel completely healthy. Good luck!

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