Throat Red, But It Does not Hurts - Does It Feel To Worry Over This Occasion?
If your throat is red, but does not hurt, it canbe a pharyngitis, which sometimes flows and without pain in the throat. This disease is characterized by an acute inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract, which is accompanied by reddening in the throat. Sometimes there is still a slight increase in temperature, the general condition worsens not much.
In children, pharyngitis is much more severe. If you get pharyngitis, rinse your throat with alkaline solutions, lubricate the pharyngeal mucosa with iodicerin or Lugol's solution. Also, you can drink warm milk with honey, if you have never had an allergic reaction to it.
Sometimes it happens that a person's throat is red, butdoes not hurt for the reason that he has a chronic inflammation of the glands. It is accompanied by a frequently rising temperature, which is even perceived to be constantly elevated. However, the external calm course of the disease is fraught with serious complications. Gland, filled with pus, poison internal organs. Sore glands affect the heart, cause other chronic diseases, such as rheumatism, bronchitis, even the stomach ulcer.
With any inflammatory disease, even ifThe throat is red, but it does not hurt, it is useful and shows a plentiful drink, warm herbal teas (sage, mint, chamomile) will be of invaluable benefit to your body. Tincture of calendula is an excellent remedy. But it is best to consult a specialist who will put the correct diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment.
If the patient has a red throat, a treatment thatyou can hold before calling a doctor - a rinse with a decoction of various herbal dues. In your home medicine cabinet should always be chamomile, sage, mother-and-stepmother. It also does not hurt to make a solution for gargling. To prepare it, you will not need any overseas funds, even in a pharmacy you will not have to run. Only salt, soda - on a teaspoonful - and two drops of iodine. All this is added to the glass of warm water.
Children who know how to suck on candy canoffer a "therapeutic treat" - lollipops with sage, chamomile, honey. They really like kids. The hardest thing is for mothers if they notice the red throat of a baby. But here they are helped by special syrups with medications that can easily be made to drink a tiny little man: these funds, as a rule, have a pleasant fruit and berry taste.
It is important to maintain oral hygiene: daily brushing of teeth, and after eating a mouth rinse is mandatory. Abundant drink during this period is also important. Often, the use of antibiotics - this is the only way out, but with a viral infection of the oral cavity antibiotics can be useless, or even harm your body.
Facilitate your condition before going toThe otolaryngologist can rinse his throat with herbal decoctions of sage, oak bark, chamomile. Effective in treating the throat is recognized as aerosols with antiseptic and antibacterial action: "Bioparox", "Oracept", "Ingalipt".
Hyperemia (redness) is one of the signsinflammation, which occurs due to increased blood flow to tissues, or because of the overflow of capillaries or blood vessels. This process is the response of the body to bacteria, viruses, and also to an unfavorable environment. To determine the cause of why the throat is red, but does not hurt, you should consult a doctor. As a rule, doctors in such cases prescribe syrup "Erespal", spray "Tantum Verde", tablets "Septefril".
You can supplement the child's treatment yourselfpeople's means. Using a sterile syringe, water the throat with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, sage, let the baby drink more. It can be a weak tea with the addition of a small amount of honey, if the child does not suffer from allergic reactions. You can make a compress on the baby's neck from a fat warm cottage cheese, carefully fix it with a warm scarf. After a few hours, change the cooled curd mass to warm. Leave the scarf on the neck for a while. A competent and timely treatment will give excellent results, and your child will certainly be healthy.