Red Throat in Children: What to Do and What to Treat
The red throat in children is a fairly common problem. And although this condition often does not cause complications, it is still necessary to know the reasons for its appearance in order to choose the right treatment.
Causes of redness in the child's throat
Usually, reddening of the throat is observed asa consequence of banal reasons, for example, hypothermia, breathing through the mouth with cold air, overeating ice cream, allergies. The disease depends on the child's age, climate or season. But the pain, cough, red throat in a child can be the result of a bacterial or viral infection: with angina, SARS, ARI, scarlet fever, measles, pharyngitis and other diseases.
In infants, reddening of the neck may beis associated with the beginning of teething. The appearance of the baby's teeth is often accompanied by a small temperature and an increase in lymph nodes on the neck. Such a condition doctors do not consider a disease, so it does not require special treatment.
The red throat in children is accompanied by pain,cough, hoarseness, fever. This condition occurs as a result of increased blood flow to the tissues of the throat. This is how the children's organism reacts to viruses and bacteria that cause inflammation. But if an adult can say about his ailment, then diagnosing the disease in the smallest children is very difficult. About their poor health they can declare only increased crying, a refusal to eat, a decrease in motor activity.
For drinking and warming is suitable lime tea,milk with honey, warm cranberry mors. If, as a result of treatment after 4-5 days, the red throat in children does not pass or other signs of the disease are added, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Many viral diseases of children (due to theirimmature immunity) are much more difficult to tolerate than adults. For example, quite often in infants, the usual redness develops into pneumonia, which is very dangerous at this age. Therefore, even with minor redness, it should be treated without waiting for complications.
Angina usually begins in children with a sharpincrease in temperature. Thorough examination of the oral cavity shows not only the red throat in the child (photos of the inflammatory process of the palate and tonsils, incidentally, are widely represented in popular literature for parents), but also the presence of multiple abscesses on the tonsils. This disease is so contagious that it is transmitted by any contact route: airborne, through hygiene items, utensils. Today it is proved that if the angina does not begin to be treated on time, then it will affect the work of the heart.
To treat babies, antibiotics are used in extreme cases or at a particularly advanced stage of the disease. Usually, the doctor recommends "sucking" candies, sprays, rinses and other medicines.
Red throat in children is observed in ARVI -viral injury of the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms include coughing, nasal congestion, increased lachrymation, fever. An increase in temperature indicates that the body is struggling with the infection, so it should not be knocked down. The antipyretic doctor appoints if the temperature of the baby is above 38 degrees. Basically, the treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. To do this, the baby is prescribed expectorant drugs.
And, of course, children are credited with a full-fledgedpeace and relaxation. Food should be rich in vitamins and minerals: natural juices, fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, cottage cheese, cereals, eggs. In general, healthy and healthy food. If the disease does not start, then a week later the child will be able to return to the usual full life.