/ / All of us known calamarians, calorie content which only pleases!

All of us known calamarians, calorie content which only pleases!

Now we are talking about such seafood assquid. Caloric content is so small that squid is ideal as a dietary food. But, this is not the main thing in these seafood. But let's start in order.

Among all sea life squid arethe safest food. They contain a large number of amino acids and phosphorus. The protein, contained in squid, is perfectly absorbed by the human body. These representatives of the marine world differ significantly from terrestrial animals in their composition and in the content of biologically active substances in them.

In squid there is an abundance of arginine andlysine, which are very important for the child's body. Squid meat is saturated with a large amount of taurine, which is able to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. And this is important for the prevention of atherosclerosis. In addition, taurine regulates blood pressure, promotes narrowing of the arteries, reduces the amount of neutral fats in the blood and improves the so-called "night" vision.

Squid contains selenium and vitamin E, whichpromote the conversion of eicosapentaenoic acid into prostaglandin in the human body. Thanks to it, heavy metal salts are bound and rendered harmless.

Squid, the calorie content of which largely dependsfrom the method of their preparation, practically do not contain fat. Most dieticians recommend replacing the usual meat of animal origin with squid. This is due, first of all, to the fact that in their composition there are a lot of manganese, iron, potassium, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins C and B.

If squid meat is eaten regularly,then the blood cholesterol level is markedly lowered, blood pressure is lowered, heavy metal salts and toxins are excreted from the human body. Interestingly, thanks to the meat of squid, youth remains, and the vital forces of the body do not decrease, but even on the contrary, they increase significantly.

Squid, the caloric content of which is onlyeighty-six kilocalories per hundred grams of the product, can be the basis of both a healthy diet and dietary. And how many different dishes from them you can cook!

This and just boiled squid, caloric contentwhich is very insignificant, namely one hundred and ten kilocalories per hundred grams of product. Squid can be fried or dried. Smoked squid, the caloric content of which is slightly higher than that of boiled, namely two hundred and sixty-three kilocalories, is especially tasty. However, their meat in any form differs remarkable taste qualities. They are perfectly combined with legumes, various cereals, vegetables and even with fish.

But, before you cook the squid, there are stillyou need and buy. Here comes one pressing question, how to choose them correctly. It is very important to buy such squid carcasses, which were not subjected to secondary freezing. And to check it is very easy. Squids should be easily separated from each other. If this does not happen, refuse such a purchase. The storage conditions were clearly violated here. Equally important is the color of squid meat. It should always be white, regardless of the color of the film covering the squid carcasses.

Well, here you have bought these representatives of the seaof the world. Now they need to be cleaned. To do this, contrary to the prevailing opinion, is easy to do. Just lay the squid in a bowl and pour it with steep boiling water. The skin-film immediately curls, and its remaining parts are removed under running water. It remains only to remove the chord and all the insides, thoroughly rinse the carcass of the squid and you can start cooking.

Calamaries, the calorie content of which we consideredslightly higher, tasty in any form. You are free to choose for yourself the recipe for their preparation, of which there are a lot. Try, experiment, enjoy. And you know, you do not only taste an excellent dish, but also very useful!

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