Squid rings. Recipe
Seafood is a valuable food. Seafood dishes are not only very tasty, they are also rich in useful substances. They should be included in your diet. Moreover, it is not difficult to prepare them. For example, the preparation of squid rings is a labor-intensive process that does not require special preparation. There are a lot of options for creating dishes from this marine life. But, perhaps, the most simple and popular culinary masterpiece is fried deep-fried squid rings. The recipe for this food has several variations. But all of them are similar in their availability, ease of preparation and cheapness.

Let's try to figure out how to make calamari rings. The recipe for cooking in breadcrumbs is one of the many options for preparing a marine dweller.
0,6 kg of squid;
4 eggs;
0.1 kg of breadcrumbs;
0.04 kg of flour;
sunflower oil;
We start to prepare squid rings. The recipe for this dish includes the use of frozen seafood. Before cooking squid should be cleaned. To do this, they are thawed. The easiest way to do this is by filling the carcass with boiling water. After the squid is thawed, remove the film and the entrails. After that they are thoroughly washed. Seafood is ready to cook. We cut the squid rings.
The recipe provides for the use of batter, but notquite ordinary. Beat the eggs in a thick foam. Separately mix flour and a small amount of salt. Put breadcrumbs in a separate container. Cast iron or a thick-walled frying pan with high sides is filled with vegetable oil and heated. All is ready. Begin preparation of squid rings. First they are breaded in flour. After that they fall into a bowl of whipped eggs. Before you move the squid into boiling oil, the product is rolled in breadcrumbs. Now the marine inhabitants, dressed in a light fur coat, are sent to sail to a frying pan.

Time of the squid on the frying panis 2-3 minutes. Rings should be freely placed in a frying pan and completely covered with hot oil. If you cook the whole product at the same time, the squid simply deforms. Therefore, the rings are fried in small portions. Finished ruddy squid put on a napkin. At the same time, it will leave excess oil. Now you can serve appetizing rings on the table. This dish is well combined with a vegetable salad. A great snack for beer - fried rings of squid.

The recipe can be slightly modified. The difference will be the use of different varieties of batter, which will give the dish an original taste. For example, you can replace breadcrumbs with a mixture of bread crumbs and nuts. Beat eggs with a little water and salt. Squid rings are paned in flour, then placed in egg sauce. Before frying in a heated frying pan, they are dumped in a nut-bread mixture. Follow the recommendations given above.

You will get a great snack, whichsuitable for both dinner with the family, and as a treat for guests. Many dishes also include squid rings. Recipes for such dishes include the use of pre-cooked seafood. They are boiled or fried. Squids perfectly combine with vegetables and other food products and are able to satisfy the most refined taste.