/ / The best remedy for hemorrhoids

The best remedy for hemorrhoids

In the last century, inflammation of the hemorrhoidalknots called tsar's disease. After all, it suffered only those who led a sedentary and passive lifestyle. Today, such a "shameful" disease occurs in almost every sixth person. And this is not surprising, since modern nutrition, ecology and innovative technologies that force you to stay in a sitting position for a long time, contribute to the formation of hemorrhoidal thrombi.

good remedy for hemorrhoids
Treatment of internal hemorrhoids

Treatment of such a disease requires mandatorypreliminary consultation with a proctologist. After all, internal nodes can not be seen independently, and it's extremely dangerous to diagnose and prescribe medications without examination, as in more serious anal problems symptoms that completely correspond to hemorrhoids may appear.

The best remedy for hemorrhoids

Unfortunately, not all people havecourage to consult a proctologist. After all, a visit to such a doctor is considered by many to be not only unpleasant, but also shameful. Therefore, most people are worried about the question of what is the best remedy for hemorrhoids today? It is quite difficult to answer it unequivocally, since each individual case requires a certain treatment technique. After all, this inflammation can occur at different stages with varying degrees of severity.

The best remedy for hemorrhoids in the initial stage

It should be specially noted that getting rid ofinternal hemorrhoids at the first stage of development is very easy. However, in cases of neglected cases, such inflammation may require surgical intervention. In this regard, if there is itching, burning and bleeding from the anus, you should immediately consult a proctologist.

treatment of internal hemorrhoids

The best remedy for hemorrhoids

To reduce inflammation of the hemorrhoids,doctors necessarily prescribe complex therapy. It's the only way to solve this problem. So, the best medicines can include the following medicines:

Hemorrhoids Treatment at Home

  1. Ointment "Bezornil." Such a creamy mass with a strong odor very well removes any inflammation, anesthetizes and stops bleeding.
  2. Candles for sea buckthorn. For the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, these suppositories are ideally suited. After all, they are made only from natural ingredients.
  3. Tablets "Detraleks" or "Venarus". Such venotonizing drugs are extremely necessary in the treatment. It is recommended to take them strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Hemorrhoids: treatment at home

Treatment of hemorrhoids at homewith the help of folk remedies is carried out quite often. However, this therapy is not always effective. After all, statistics show that the inflammation of hemorrhoids passes quickly and painlessly, if you treat it in the manner described above, and not with the help of herbal baths and candles made from potatoes.

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