/ / Symptoms of hemorrhoids

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

A low-active lifestyle that mostof the population leads on average and older age, contributes to the occurrence of such a disease as hemorrhoids. According to statistics, every fourth adult suffers from hemorrhoids. So, if you sit all day in the office, then go home by car, and finish the day, sitting down to rest on the sofa in front of the screen, you definitely fall into the risk group of this disease.

What causes hemorrhoids? There are many reasons for the development. First, food, namely the abundance of sharp and fatty foods, also excessive loads, alcohol, obesity and so on.

Hemorrhoids develop gradually, first itching inthe area of ​​the anus, then the pain when going to the toilet. Similar symptoms of hemorrhoids can persist for years, but often, hemorrhoids pass into the acute stage, in which blood appears.

In order to identify at an early stage andto cure hemorrhoids, you need to contact a specialist-proctologist. But first of all, control yourself, if you have any symptoms of hemorrhoids. What does it concern?

Itching is a symptom of hemorrhoids at the initial stage. If you notice the appearance of discomfort when you visit the toilet, as well as bleeding in the anus - this indicates a complication of the disease. And it's better to be safe. The reason for going to the proctologist can be a variety of situations, for example: the appearance of blood and mucus in the stool, pain during defecation, as well as regular constipation. Also, the symptoms of hemorrhoids are manifested in the prolapse of hemorrhoids from the anus.

The specialist should diagnose the problem withusing, so-called, finger examination of the condition of the rectum, and in case of need to apply sigmoidoscopy. Often, in order to correctly diagnose, a visual inspection is sufficient.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids? The main symptom of the disease and its chronic stage is periodic bleeding from the anus, usually during defecation. Also, bleeding is often supplemented by the deposition of hemorrhoids after defecation. Bleeding can be different in duration and color. Depending on the neglect of the disease, blood can be secreted by drops, can remain as traces on the stool. In rare cases, bleeding with hemorrhoids is permanent, sometimes stagnant blood.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids also appear in the fallouthemorrhoids. The manifestation of this symptom depends on the duration of the hemorrhoids. At the initial stages, nodes are often self-correcting, but in later stages, nodes have to be adjusted by themselves.

Also a symptom are persistent pain. They are not so characteristic of hemorrhoids, but with chronic disease, they can manifest. The pain is usually associated mainly with defecation. Also, intense pain is typical for the fallen hemorrhoids. But still, they are not the main sign of the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Itching in the anus and discomfort are characteristicfor hemorrhoids in the initial stages. It is usually associated with mucus that gets on the skin, which means maceration develops. Another cause of anal itching can be dermatitis. Isolation of mucus is also one of the symptoms of hemorrhoids. This is due to the fact that the disease is combined with other inflammatory processes in the rectum.

Thrombosis is an education inthe blood vessel of the blood clot. The cause of its occurrence is inflammation of the nodes and stagnation of blood circulation. Thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes is one of the features in the exacerbation of the disease. Thrombosis of nodes is associated with a spasm of the anal sphincter - the muscle that is responsible for opening / closing the anal passage. Thrombosis is also accompanied by sharp pains, and it is also possible to extract blood from the anal passage. When examined by a proctologist, such hemorrhoidal nodes turn out to be a dark cherry color.

In case of revealing such symptoms, do not rush to search for information on how to treat hemorrhoids with folk remedies, first of all visit a proctologist.

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